Children should not be left alone in the car

We should never leave children alone in the car, there is no excuse, not even 'just the time it took to get the purchase of the trunk to put the frozen in the fridge', because the health of our children is worth much more than all the products we have purchased. And also because 'only time' can be turned off by much more.

From En Familia (AEP) we are alerted and advised, and I have thought it necessary to share it with you. A priori we cannot think that it will not happen to us, therefore it is convenient to have all the necessary information.

Did you know this

  • During the hot months, the temperature inside the car can rise from 10 to 15 degrees in 15 minutes. Opening the windows does not necessarily mean that this rate of temperature increase decreases.

  • The child's body temperature rises 3 to 5 times faster than in the adult due to the lower water reserve in the child.

  • Hyperthermia can occur in as short a time as 20 minutes and death in 2 hours.

  • This can happen in days with a temperature of 22 ºC, when the interior of the car can reach 47 ºC.

  • Most victims of hyperthermia are between 0 and 4 years old.

Sometimes parents leave children intentionally in the car while running errands. However, the typical scenario is when the parents forget that the child is in the car, for example on the way to work or on the way home. Tragically, many parents do not realize that they have left the child in the car until the end of the day, when they discover the body

According to the Department of Families and Children of the State of New Jersey (United States) inside the car the little ones can suffer sunstroke, dehydrate, get caught by an automatic advantage or accidentally start the vehicle. This institution adds the following recommendations: do not leave car keys within the reach of children, warn them that it is dangerous to play inside the car, and install a manual mechanism inside the trunk so that they can open it if they stay there. But in any case I think the most sensible thing is to keep them under surveillance.

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics has data that show that in many countries cases of hyperthermia occur in children in the car every year, many times they end tragically in death. That is why these types of situations should be avoided.

In addition to not leaving our children alone in the car, we will call emergency service 112 in case we see other children locked in a vehicle. If we don't do it, the means of displacement can become a trap for them.

Video: Never leave a child alone in a car (July 2024).