Did you know that the pregnancy test can also be positive for men?

Pregnancy tests are guilty of several anecdotes or curiosities, not to really say if there is a pregnancy or not, but to mark the increase of a hormone.

One of the biggest curiosities is that a woman with an impressive belly near giving birth could be tested and that the result was negative and another great curiosity is that men can also give us positive, but not for waiting for a baby, which would be absurd because it is the couple who expects it, but for suffering a testicular tumor.

This is what happened a few days ago to a man who accidentally found a pregnancy test in the bathroom, owned by his ex-girlfriend.

When he saw her, he thought it would be funny to get tested for pregnancy (there are people who have too much free time, as far as I can see) and the surprise came when moments later the test resulted in a positive That left him out of place.

He thought it was an anecdote without more importance, so he took a photo of the test and hung the image on the social network Reddit. Three days later, he had about 1,300 responses, many from strangers, which recommended that he go to the doctor: “You can have testicular cancer! Go to an oncologist and tell him that you have had a pregnancy test and that it was positive. ”

The concern was more than the shame of having to explain that you did a test (although today few things are already embarrassing) and when they went to the doctor they observed a small mass in the right testicle, after which they decided remove the testicle.

The test detects the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone

The test, as we have said on other occasions, is not an expert urine analyzer that says “baby yes” or “baby no”, but simply detects the increase in the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone. This happens during pregnancy, of course, but it also happens in men if they are suffering from testicular cancer.

The prognosis of tumors in this area is the best, because even when it is detected late, removing the testicle is usually solved.

It is not a plan to go doing pregnancy tests

If you are a man and after reading this you are thinking of taking a periodic pregnancy test to “hunt” a testicular tumor you should know that The first sign of cancer in the testicle is the presence of a painless mass, that is, it is recommended that we take a monthly self-test to rule out possible alterations, something much cheaper than going shopping for tests every two by three.

Video: Pregnancy Test & Testicular Cancer (July 2024).