Aka pygmies, the best parents in the world

The male of the pygmies aka has been considered the best dad in the world by the British center Father's Direct. Inhabitants of the border between Congo Brazzaville and the Central African Republic, this town is dedicated to hunting and gathering.

Aka parents spend a lot of time with their children, they even offer their babies' breast when they are hungry, an excellent practice to calm them until they are fed by their mothers. These wonderful parents hold a world record: 47% of the time they hold their little ones in their arms; Only parents from northern Europe, especially Swedes, who tend to take care of their children 45% of the time approach this brand.

According to the study conducted by Father's Direct, which investigated 156 different cultures, aka pygmies take every opportunity that is within their reach to strengthen contact with their children; it is they, for example, who are in charge of caring for the child when he wakes at night.

What has been wonderful to me was the attitude of these men in the face of the crying of hunger of their babies: putting them to the chest and offering tranquility through their nipples is a pride for these parents and certainly a challenge for most of the rest of the men. of the world.

Video: More Engaged Fatherhood is Global Trend (May 2024).