My girl: turns 3, a milestone

These days I am somewhat nostalgic as my oldest daughter's birthday is approaching, which will blow the cake with her first three candles in ten days.

Although every year a child is important, 3 years is not one more, but it is a milestone in his life, a very special event.

The 3 years mark a whole event, the definitive step to childhood.

It is true that it is not a transformation that occurs overnight, it is a change that is already taking place, but on the day of his third birthday he will no longer be a baby, if he still has some baby left, to Give way to an independent person.

Stop being a little girl to become a girl, who will soon start school (with uniform), which every day opens before her eyes a new world to discover who observes astonished, who seeks answers to everything ( is in the middle of the why) and that is beginning to stop depending on both his father and his mother (maybe that is what gives me the most nostalgia).

There is nothing more beautiful in life than to see the children grow up, however when they turn years it produces, at least it happens to me, a kind of sadness that I have lived so far, which has been so wonderful, I do not know will repeat again.

My girl begins to live her early childhood, one of the most beautiful stages of life. From now on I will begin to retain memories of what I have lived (just my first memories of life are three years old), to understand the value of friendship, love and to see the world from the fantastic perspective of a child.

I will do everything in my hands and those of the rest of the family so that the next one is for her a magical stage, happy and full of good moments that I remember in the future with joy.

And although deep down he will never cease to be "my baby" no matter how old he is 30, they will understand that I am somewhat sensitive with this birthday of 3 so significant.

Video: 3 Months Developmental Milestones. Baby Developmental Milestones (July 2024).