Would you quit smoking for 300 euros or for your baby? In Paris they will pay pregnant women to quit tobacco

It seems inconceivable to most mothers, but the reality is that, either because of ignorance, or because of carelessness, or because of dependence, some pregnant women smoke. The most logical thing is to assume that it is easy to quit smoking for the sake of our baby, but the necessary support is not always available and some women have a great effort. What if the money was an incentive to quit smoking? Would you quit smoking in pregnancy for 300 euros?

This is what many pregnant women can start considering in France, specifically in Paris. In the Gallic country it is estimated that 17% of pregnant smokers continue to smoke during pregnancy. That is why the health department of Paris has launched an initiative that aims to encourage women smokers who expect a baby by paying them 20 euros with checks on purchases after each medical visit. With a maximum of 300 euros if the pregnant woman does not smoke throughout pregnancy.

This is a project funded by the National Cancer Institute and in which 16 hospitals in Paris and Ile-de France participate. An estimated 400 women will receive this incentive. The requirements to benefit from these "baby checks" are:

  • Being pregnant for less than four and a half months.
  • To be over 18 years old.
  • Smoking at least three cigarettes a day.
  • Do not use electronic cigarettes or other nicotine substitutes.

I have doubts about the follow-up that will be done to these women to verify the veracity of their smoking cessation, that is, How to verify that the pregnant woman has not smoked anything between one medical visit and the next? There are different types of tests (urine, blood, inhalers ...) which can be detected if the person has smoked more or less recently. But would it be enough not to smoke a few days before the medical visit? Or would you have to go to the hospital every two days to get tested?

Also the "picaresque" could sneak on the other hand (or does this not happen outside of Spain?), With women who do not really smoke (or have left it with pregnancy without problems) but ensure that they can not give up the habit to join the program and benefit from money.

In any case, it seems that there are similar previous experiments that turned out well. In 2015 in Scotland it was carried out with such a good result, that it was later extended to other sectors of the population and not only to pregnant women. The universities of Sterling and Glasgow financially compensated 612 pregnant women who quit smoking (22% of women quit).

And although we find it hard to understand how there are pregnant women who don't quit tobacco simply for the sake of their baby, the data is there. Act or let that situation continue? I think that it is always good to try to find a solution and in this sense the circle of support and information should also be extended to the smoking woman.

Be that as it may, and as this measure of pay pregnant women to quit smoking It will only apply in Paris, here we leave you the way to seek help in pregnancy to quit tobacco The important thing is to be aware of the good that our baby and ourselves will be doing. Sure you can!

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