The new Galician babies will receive a box with gifts (although they will not be able to sleep in it)

One of the reasons that the birth rate is falling so much in our country is the lack of support from governments, who hardly mention the problem because they don't offer you the solution. There is hardly any help left for having a baby and those offered to large families are quite miserable.

In Finland, a small country with a strange climate, they are clear that the happiness of its inhabitants goes through offer them a state of well-being hardly improved, and among everything they do for families, the box for newborns is striking. A box full of things for the newborn that also serves as a crib.

Well, in Galicia they have decided to take note of this gift and emulate the Finns so that from now on Galician babies will receive a box with various gifts, although they will not be able to sleep in it.

In Finland they receive it since before World War II

The first time the Finnish state delivered boxes for babies was in 1938, when it was decided to help low-income families. In the box there was what was necessary for mothers to take care of their children, and also information to guide mothers towards health professionals, in order to prevent possible problems. At that time the country was very poor and infant mortality affected 65 of every 1,000 births.

Eleven years later, in the year 49, it was decided give the box to all families, so that all babies were equal and had the same beginning of life. At that time sleeping with the baby was a risk, but many families had nowhere to put the baby and ended up sharing the family bed so that the risk of sudden death increased (in families with few resources sleeping with the baby is more dangerous) . The box served as a crib and served to save many babies from an early death.

After this, the box became a tradition. The content was updated so that now there are no bottles or teats (to promote breastfeeding and not contravene the marketing code of breastfeeding substitutes), and diapers are already cloth.

Galicia has decided to do something similar

As we read in El Confidencial, the Xunta de Galicia has decided to give each baby a box similar to the Finnish, with gifts and equipment that can help parents.

The goal is to show families that every birth is a cause for celebration and that for the Administration this good news is an important event.

It is not yet clear what each box will include, but at the moment there is talk that there will be wipes, breastfeeding discs, cream for sensitive parts of the skin, a blanket, a CD of nanas sung in Galician and a book also written in The language of the community. In addition, there will be some object prepared by people with disabilities of an associated entity. The baby's health card and information related to the aid that can be requested will also be in the box.

However, babies will not be able to sleep in it.

In Galicia the box will be a little smaller than the one given in Finland and babies can't sleep in it due. In addition, in Finland families have the option to exchange the gift for its value in money, and in Galicia this cannot be done.

The Xunta has explained that the boxes for newborns will not involve too much expense because most products will be donations and gifts from companies with which an agreement has been signed. In this case, the question is whether the products will be really necessary or useful, or if everything will respond to an unparalleled opportunity for brands to promote their products to the point of provoking new needs in parents: that it is not the same to give cloth diapers or clothes that give pacifiers, bottles, disposable diapers or blankets with the logo of a brand of artificial milk, to give some examples.

What do you think about this idea? The first boxes begin to be delivered this August. We look forward to seeing what is finally included.