When you want to have a boy and is a girl (or vice versa)

There are people who, due to particular circumstances, have a special preference for having a child of a certain sex. By conceiving, they put all the illusion that the child "leaves" the desired sex and there is a great disappointment to learn that the child they expect is not the boy or girl they so longed for.

It is a fairly common situation and in some cases even traumatic for some parents. Family mandates, fantasies, belonging to a family of many men or many women sometimes causes the pressure to beget a child of a certain sex to be exaggerated to the point of becoming an obsession.

While there are methods that can help us increase the chances of conceiving a girl or a boy, except for assisted fertilization in which a male or female embryo is selected, no formula is one hundred percent reliable.

When a couple decides to conceive a child, they know that the possibilities are indistinct for each sex. Nothing and nobody assures us that the baby that will come will be a boy or a girl. Not having two girls increases the chances of having a boy, or vice versa. I know cases that may seem incredible of 5, 6 or 7 successive children of the same sex.

The determination of one sex or the other is given by multiple circumstances that coincide at the time of conception. As you know, depending on what type of sperm (with genetic load "Y" or "X") fertilize the egg will result in a boy or a girl. But it would not be right to hold the man responsible for the sex of the baby because other factors such as the habits and diet of the mother, the postures when making love and fundamentally the moment of conception also affect.

Of course, we start badly if a couple decides to have a child with a mind set on the sex of the baby. The important thing is not to have a boy or a girl, but to have a son. It would not be fair to charge a creature with the illusion, from my selfish point of view, of our own whims or expectations.

A child should always be welcome, loved and desired from the first moment, have what you have between your legs (speaking badly and soon). While it is normal that there may be a certain preference, it should not reach the point of becoming an obsession. Adults and future parents should have assumed from the beginning that it will be what it has to be.

Video: How Guys Do Vs How Girls Do IT An Honest Comparison (July 2024).