Car seats can affect the oxygenation of children

A recent study, published in Pediatrics, concludes that children should use car seats only to go in the car, given that The position taken by sitting on them could compress the chest and produce lower levels of oxygen.

According to some experts, there are parents who have no crib or bassinet and use these chairs for children to take naps even when they are at home.

This is not recommended, as decreasing oxygen levels can get worse when children catch a cold or if they are sick.

This does not mean that children should not go in car seats or that they are contraindicated, because they are a very important resource to protect children in case of collision, but these should be intended only for that purpose. For the study they examined 200 two-year-old children monitoring oxygen saturation levels and other constants when they were in a hospital's cradle for thirty minutes, in a car bed (I understand that they speak of a carrycot) for sixty minutes and in A car seat during the same time.

The result was an average oxygen saturation level of 97.9% in the crib, 96.3% in the car bed and 95.7% in the car seat.

These changes are minimal, however previous studies indicate that Airway obstruction of a baby, even when it is mild, could be related to behavioral problems or even with a lower IQ.

Children who spend more time in car seats have a lower average oxygen level than those who sleep in a crib or bed and this is what you try to avoid.

The data is probably not very worrying, because the differences, as we have said, are few, but it does not hurt that parents take into account the figures, to offer children a place to sleep more adequately than a chair (group in the that would also enter the stroller chairs type Maxi cosi) and for manufacturers to assess the possibility of modify the design of the seats so that children's breathing is not affected.

Video: Never Leave Children Unattended in a Car (July 2024).