Obstetric Physiotherapy

Physiotherapists are increasingly requested by women who are pregnant, both in preparation for childbirth, as in postpartum and even at the time of giving birth.

In several countries of Europe they are already part of the personnel that attends a delivery and professionals of the sector expect that it will also happen in Spain.

Although the idea of ​​the physiotherapist is very limited to fields such as trauma, the Obstetric Physiotherapy It covers the preventive, therapeutic aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.

First of all preparing it for the time of delivery, with prenatal gymnastics, breathing exercises, relaxation, postures in pregnancy and childbirth, etc. According to Erika Amezcua Valmala, a physiotherapist specializing in Urogynecology and Obstetrics, when a woman is going to give birth it is not necessary to lie down, it is preferable to move, to walk, than to hip twists that will facilitate the birth.

In the postpartum they also play an important role, they help the mother to recover, teach the abdominals or exercises that must be performed after giving birth, because they will not be the same as those that anyone can perform, they exercise the bones, the pelvis, etc.

They are really valuable classes for the mother, because with them she can avoid certain dysfunctions that sometimes causes vaginal birth, such as pelvic floor injuries.

Video: Physiotherapy during Pregnancy - Information on safe physiotherapy and sleeping positions (July 2024).