Being a mother at the age of being a grandmother: a Galician doctor will have her third child at age 62

Every family is a world, there is no doubt about that. And without some it is normal to be a grandmother after sixty, in others like Lina Álvarez, a Galician doctor, it is Being a mother at the age of being a grandmother. At 62, 20 after having menopause, she will be the mother of her third child.

As he did at age 52, when he had his second child thanks to an invitro fertilization treatment, he wanted to repeat the experience again. He feels happy and considers his third motherhood as a reward for everything that has happened in life.

Why reward?

Their pregnancies have all been very particular, and the first, without a doubt, the most complicated. When she was 34, she became pregnant with her first child, who is now 27 years old and suffer from cerebral palsy. His brain was damaged, he says, in an amniocentesis test performed by a gynecologist.

Since he was born, he devoted himself completely to the care of his son, who was speechless and semi-paralyzed, and to fight in the courts demanding justice.

"It was a life of crying. For years I cried every day because I didn't know how to deal with my son's illness, which I had to enter twice a week," he says.

At 52 he wanted to be a mother and underwent an invitro fertilization, after which Samuel was born, who is now 10 years old.

Despite not having a partner, and although some doctors objected to me trying again, next month, at 62, she will be the mother of a girl named Lina. He found a gynecologist in Madrid who agreed to perform invitro fertilization by previously submitting it to a series of medical tests to see if the pregnancy could be viable.

The embryo was implanted and there was luck. He had no problem throughout the pregnancy and feels "overflowing with happiness."

As for the criticisms, he says that he is not affected by what others think:

"It was the same when I had my son with 52. They criticized me, but I am one more mother; I have no generational conflict with my children, I am open to life and I am healthy"

There is no age restriction

The biological clock marks the reproductive age of women by natural means, but assisted reproduction is a path that more and more women take to become mothers at advanced ages.

In Spain, the assisted reproduction law does not impose any restrictions so that women can be mothers at the age they want. It is the professionals themselves who set the limits and their general recommendation is that the 50s barrier is not exceeded, given that the risks passed at that age are high.

It is the basic norm, which does not mean that it is applicable to everyone. In exceptional cases where women's health allows, you can try.

Video: Interview with Leonard Slatkin (July 2024).