The most suitable shoes for each stage of the baby

To preserve the health of the baby's feet it is important to know how to choose the most suitable shoes. A crawling baby does not need the same shoes as one that begins to take its first steps, so watch out that we recommend how baby shoes have to be at every stage of their development.

Some experts recommend that the baby who does not walk should not wear shoes. While it is true that it is best to leave your feet "at your leisure", perhaps the recommendation is a bit exaggerated, especially given the cold season. Therefore, we will see what footwear can be used so as not to affect the natural development of the baby's feet that are in continuous growth.

The crawling baby

These babies are referred to by experts when they recommend that they not wear footwear, to those who still do not know how to walk. As we said, the baby's foot is constantly evolving and a shoe that squeezes or removes freedom of movement could be harmful, even causing malformations.

Therefore, the ideal thing for the crawling baby is to walk barefoot, or with socks or booties if it is cold (fat socks if it is very cold). This to be inside the house. When he leaves the house, you can put on a soft and light footwear, which will warm and dress him (the parents find the baby's shoes very cute), but that feels as if he did not wear them.

Must be flexible, fabric and soft sole. In order for you to give yourself an idea, they must be able to twist with your hands. That's how flexible they have to be.

The baby who stands up

The baby already stands alone. He grabs furniture and chairs to stand up and tries to leave a place, although for now without launching.

If you use socks, it can slip, unless you put those that have non-slip gummies at the bottom, and better if they have reinforced toe and heel.

The best shoes for this stage are the soft shoes made of breathable material, with a soft but non-slip sole, to avoid accidents. In turn they have to contain enough the baby's foot and hold her ankle as to help you achieve stability and avoid sprains, but without squeezing your foot.

The baby who starts taking his first steps

When the baby dares to move on his own, he needs shoes that give you security and protect your foot, but keep it comfortable, because your foot is still changing.

They must provide the perfect dose of flexibility and firmness. They should help improve stability by holding the ankle while protecting the foot.

The sole should be rubber or rubber to prevent slipping, and flexible enough to allow the foot to flex. The fabric should not be too rigid or with hard stops, or seams or protrusions that can cause chafing. Ideally, shoes made of resistant fabrics, nubuck or leather, but not very hard, reinforced at the toe and buttress to protect the foot from possible bumps.

As for the closure, avoid the laces for now because it could trip and fall. Better velcro, or buckles and open enough to fit your foot comfortably.

Video: Melanie Martinez - K-12 The Film (July 2024).