Swollen feet in pregnancy

In these days of extreme heat my feet have swollen a little, which is quite uncomfortable and should not go unnoticed.

It is normal and frequent during pregnancy that the ankle swollen at night during the last trimester. He edema It is produced by the increase in fluids in the body as a result of pregnancy hormones.

Edema is frequent multiple pregnancies or when you have gained too much weight. It also appears in hot seasons or with a lot of humidity in the environment or by standing for long periods. Excessive fluid retention, which extends to the face, neck and hands, should be reported immediately to the doctor, because it may be the onset of a kidney disease known as preeclampsia. To help combat this discomfort it is advisable to rest in a horizontal position with your feet elevated at least 15 centimeters above the level of the rest of the body; also raising the legs to 90 degrees on the wall quickly eliminates edema.

To avoid this condition it is advisable not to be on your feet for a long time, wear comfortable shoes (never with a heel of more than 4cm), put little salt on meals and exercise moderately (hiking, swimming).

And remember to go to all your prenatal control appointments.

Video: Pregnancy Health Tips : Treating Swollen Feet During Pregnancy (July 2024).