Ovodonation, fulfill a dream even if it is not yours

I had never investigated the ovodonation, until a few days ago, I came from the hand of a reader of Babies and more, to a forum called precisely like this: Ovodonation

The forum of ovodonation, was born from the idea of ​​a recipient who proposed to a friend who was an ovodonant to create a website with a forum that linked ovodonation recipients and egg donors, so they could feel more accompanied and understood in the process.

As a general rule a donor does not know the scope of what she does and cannot understand it, and a recipient, has doubts and many questions to ask “her donor” and as the law does not allow it, she asks the members of that community

If a possible ovodonant expresses only economic reasons, he is advised to give up, since he may later regret if his fundamental motives are not to act generously so that another woman fulfills her dream of being a mother.

There are many doubts, such as protocols, economic compensation and emotional implications. Medical tests and fear of the operating room and prick are normal in donors.

The recipients come to ovodonation for many reasons but often share certain concerns about not taking their child their own genetic material. Their participation in the community reinforces them, making them aware that their child is their biological child even if they are given the genetic material of another woman.

Our reader Keyla, thanks to whom I have learned so much about this topic, explains her experience:

I only know that if someone gets what they are looking for, they will be the happiest person in the world, a friend of mine is a recipient and I was on their first ultrasound. I understood more that day, than in my four donations. I am not curious about the future of children born thanks to the ovules I have donated, I know that whoever goes there to have a child will love it. She is her biological mother, I am just the tool she needed to be able to continue fighting for a dream.

Because life is about fighting to fulfill dreams. Fulfill a dream ... even if it's not yours.

For women who think about donating or becoming recipients, I strongly recommend that you visit the website and the forum of ovodonationThey will find a family that will understand their fears and emotions.

Official site | Ovodonacion.es
In Babies and more | Years of waiting for assisted reproduction in public health

Video: Nathan Chan shares - Managing Director of Proud Fertility Egg Donation Surrogacy in Canada (July 2024).