One in a hundred thousand: today, a child has been cured of leukemia

A joy that deserves to be shared is that today, a child has been cured of leukemia. That boy has a name, his name is Guzman. At three years of age he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a disease suffered by three out of every 100,000 children, and of which more than 80 percent succeed.

His father, José Carnero, has created the blog One in a hundred thousand, the name that the Foundation has set up today.

The most recent post that can be read on José's blog is the most anticipated, which announces the healing of Guzmán and the end of the treatment after two years of struggle. Two years in which time seems to have stopped for that family, a pilgrimage of analysis, endless days of hospital, chemotherapy, anguish, pain, rage and a long etcetera of sensations.

The pain that a family goes through when a child is diagnosed with cancer is unimaginable. But Guzmán has not stopped fighting and José always tried to be positive to be able to look at the disease head on, to stand up to him, and then he created the blog thinking about transforming the essence of what was happening and turning it into something positive.

I can't stop getting excited knowing that a child has been cured of leukemia today and that the now Foundation One in a hundred thousand is launched to create and support projects to improve the welfare of the most disadvantaged among others. Congratulations, what great news!

Video: Chronic Leukemia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (July 2024).