The tender announcement of a 14-year-old boy looking for work to pay for an excursion

A 14-year-old Galician boy, who studies ESO third at an institute in Ames (A Coruña), published an ad that has gone viral. It offers residents to perform various tasks and thus be able to get the money they need to pay a trip to London with your classmates.

The poster explains that he needs 700 euros and that he offers to do different activities, such as cleaning the leaves ("since we are in autumn"), as well as other gardening, removing the dog, cleaning crystals and even resolving school questions.

It has been on its own initiative

A neighbor, Manuel Cheda, saw the ad and shared it on his Facebook profile praising the attitude of the teenager. It began to share by becoming viral and unleashed a wave of solidarity among the neighbors. Even the father says that many people contacted the cell phone on the sign asking for an account number to be able to enter money to the child, which, grateful, they rejected.

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It is not that the parents did not want or could not afford it. They offered to pay for their son's trip, but it has been the child's own initiative to earn money for himself. It occurred to him that he could do small jobs to save the necessary amount.

The reward came through numerous job offers with which you can surely get the 700 euros you need to pay for your trip to London.

In what everyone agrees is that this child deserves to go on the excursion.

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