Does asthma not increase pregnancy complications?

A study prepared by specialists from the United Kingdom shows us that asthma does not increase obstetric or pediatric complications during the course of pregnancy. This is a statistical study in which data were collected from 37,585 future mothers with asthma and 243,434 without asthma, all complications in both groups were compared looking for significant data.

Apparently, the data revealed that suffering from asthma greatly increased health problems such as diabetes, hypertension or possible risks of preeclampsia. However, if other problems are detected, such as the risk of suffering some type of hemorrhage, the data showed an increase of up to a 20% chance of suffering a bleeding during childbirth and up to a 38% chance of suffering a postpartum hemorrhage. .

To this we must add that the risks of suffering from depression, anemia or having a C-section were higher. Of course, everything depends on the severity of the disease, in the face of more severe asthma complications increase. Research has shown more effectively the relationship between asthma and pregnancy complications, unlike previous research where the data presented some errors.

Video: Asthma Pregnancy Complications - Effects on Mother & Baby (July 2024).