With only 12 years Dylan has developed "Save Me Pro": the application that turns the phone into a panic button

Dylan Puccetti tells his father that he is continually devising things, and after thinking about them he begins to plan their realization, I know a boy who is equal - a little older than our protagonist who is only 12 years old - but also insists on making his ideas come true , and also usually get it.

And it seems that this American child is skilled with technology, not so much consuming it, but developing useful applications for others. For example, when he was in fifth grade at Elementary School (equivalent to fifth grade in Elementary School here), he designed a device that helped improve pitcher pitching skills during a baseball game.

Now his "invention" can be much more useful, although he hopes that even when installed on the smartphone, there are not many people who should use it. Is called “Save Me Pro” and we found it in the Google store for Android devices. Little Puccetti was inspired after learning the sad story of a 17-year-old girl who disappeared in 1997 in a county in Texas, her name was Jessica Cain, and she hasn't heard from her again.

Save Me Pro turn the phone into a kind of "panic button" Just press the power button eight times, and you don't have to unlock the screen or open the application. By doing this, the three contacts that the user has previously selected receive a text message.

The operation is similar to one that came built into a mobile that I bought about seven years ago (not smartphone), in the sense that after configuring the operation, it would only have been necessary to press three times C for a predetermined message to reach its recipients ( three too). What catches my attention is not so much the invention, but the ability to develop the content that the child has had. In addition to having to press only the power button it is easy to press without having to take the phone out of the pocket, since it can be found only by touch

The Dylan application allows you to edit the emergency text that we believe is appropriate, and when configuring we must ensure that GPS is activated, and although “Save Me Pro” is free, there is a payment update that allows the recipients of the message to receive the position through coordinates of the sender of the alert.

It is expected to be useful in cases of hurry such as threats of kidnapping, rescue after being lost, bullying, natural disasters, etc. Once the distress message is received from the parents (who will be in the first place in case the user is a minor), they call immediately to check the status of the person on the other side of the line.

In Peques and More | A tool is presented that will allow issuing alerts after the disappearance of a minor

Video: Dylan Roche. 14 Year Old Stand Up Comedian (July 2024).