Pilar San Miguel from FSIE talks about the "Checkmate to School Failure" initiative

On March 2, 2013, I attended the First Montpellier Chess Meeting organized by the FSIE. And is that FSIE works for the improvement of education and for trying stop school failure among students. In that meeting I had the opportunity to meet Pilar San Miguel which leads the FSIE initiative at Montpellier College. Pilar wanted to explain the campaign in Peques y Más Checkmate to school failure, in which the participation of teachers and administrations is essential to achieve the goal that children can improve their ability to concentrate, strive, manage social relationships and acquire many more skills. And it is that chess is an initiative that requires little financial outlay, teachers can be reasonably trained and the return children get is very high because as Leontxo García reminded us of this sport impacts at least five of the eight multiple intelligences identified by Howard Gardner. We go with the interview with Pilar San Miguel of the FSIE (Federation of independent education unions):

How the Jaque Mate initiative to school failure arises

FSIE Madrid contacts the Montpellier School to propose a meeting at its center. The school welcomes our proposal from the first moment because they have been working with chess for a long time and want to give it the importance it has in its project.

What resources are necessary for an initiative that puts chess as a transversal learning method to succeed

First make it known, train teachers, raise awareness of organizations related to education, government, counseling, town halls, etc. And believe the foundation of the project.

What references exist in the world that are already working with chess

There are many studies in different countries, USA, Germany, Latin American countries and in Spain. And of course the European Parliament that has recommended to all member countries its application in school curricula.

The majority of MEPs signed a statement last March 15, 2012 to support a subject that takes chess to European schools because it believes it encourages "concentration, patience and persistence", and asked Brussels to provide funds specific to allow the implementation of this program called 'Chess in Schools'. The text has acquired the character of a declaration by the European Parliament by obtaining the support of more than half of the Hemicycle.

A total of 415 MEPs, of the 734 seats in total, signed the declaration.

Who is supporting these initiatives so that chess is learned in Spanish schools

They are generally initiatives that go ahead without official support. The "Checkmate to School Failure" project is supported by FSIE (Federation of Independent Teaching Unions) that has made a strong commitment to it.

What other schools are following you in the initiative

We started this project with a meeting at the Arctic school. In addition, the Loyola de Alcalá de Henares, Cabrini, Escolapias de Alcalá de Henares, have shown us their interest not only in Madrid, but also in Huesca and Cartagena.

How are you disseminating the initiative?

Well, with the means we have at our disposal, new technologies, our magazines, radio and national press and visiting schools, we have also attended the Assembly of Madrid and have presented it to those responsible for education of PSOE and UPyD and we are Waiting for PP and IU to specify us date.

How do you complement the game of chess among children

We are collecting activities that show that it can be used, both in Physical Education, as well as in Mathematics, Language and Literature, English, Music.

And here the interview with Pilar San Miguel to which we greatly appreciate your collaboration with Peques and Más. We take this opportunity to wish you many successes with the initiative and hope that the bet of the schools for chess will be extended to many more schools.

And we end with a Kasparov phrase which he indicated, when MEPs asked the European Commission and the Member States to support the introduction of the program in the educational systems of the European Member States:

now we have no perspective to value in all its importance the support for a resolution that will massively bring this sport closer to the children of the European Union, but I can say that the chess tomorrow has just begun today

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