An alarming increase in obesity is expected in Spain by 2030: what can parents do?

This week, the XXII European Obesity Congress is being held in Prague and the experts' forecasts are not encouraging. On the contrary, they are quite alarming, especially for Spain: although the rate of obesity and overweight will grow throughout Europe, Spain will be among the countries that will be the most affected. Currently, 19% of the population is obese and in 2030 it could increase to 30%.

With this panorama so black, and taking into account that our children from fifteen years old will be teenagers or adults, it makes us think that we must start taking action to try to reverse this situation. We are still on time, but what can parents do?

Tips to prevent childhood obesity

Take a healthy pregnancy

Obesity is prevented not only since the child begins to eat its first solids, but from long before, even before birth: from the womb.

The food and care that the mother carries during pregnancy has an impact on the future health of the child. It has been shown that excessive weight gain in pregnancy raises the risk of obesity in children. Therefore, keep the increase of kilos in pregnancy at bay.


Start feeding your baby with good foot. Breast milk is the best for your baby from all points of view. Obesity prevention is one of its many advantages, it offers the benefit of regulating the weight of the boy or girl.

Studies show that babies fed with adapted formulas gain more weight and that rapid weight gain in childhood is associated with an increased risk of obesity in the future.

Healthy food

Once the child begins with complementary feeding at 6 months (complementing breastfeeding for at least 2 years), it is important establish a healthy base.

  • Allow your children to experiment with food, manipulate it, smell it, eat it in small pieces instead of mashed potatoes or baby food (Baby Led Weaning).

  • Do not add salt to baby food

  • Cook at home in a healthy way: grilled, stewed or baked and reduces fried foods.

  • Avoid industrial pastries and foods high in saturated fats; prefer homemade food

  • Offer them "camouflaged" fruits and vegetables since they are small

  • Reduce protein intake in the children's diet

  • Control portion sizes

  • Offer them healthy snacks

Exercise practice

Healthy eating is very important, very important, to prevent childhood obesity, but whenever it is accompanied by the practice of exercise.

Sedentary lifestyle is very bad, but more so in childhood, when children are growing up and need to do physical activity to strengthen muscles and bones and to "program" their level of physical activity for the rest of their lives.

Playing outdoors, playing sports, jumping, running, cycling, swimming ... Whatever but always on the move, even if only a few minutes per day. It is in us, parents, to foster an active life in our children, and of course set an example.

Eat with family

Although sometimes it is not compatible, it is very important find a place to eat with your family every day. At least one meal a day.

It is essential for children to receive proper nutritional education and positive examples of food, as well as being one of the pillars of family communication.

Create a positive environment and share the table with your children. The family atmosphere helps to create a pleasant climate and that the time of the meal is pleasant.

Reduce hours in front of screens

Very linked to sedentary lifestyle, and another of the evils of today if it is not controlled, is the amount of hours children spend in front of the screens. Understand by screens all those that to a greater or lesser extent they abduct our children by having them spend all their leisure time there: TV, tablets, mobiles, game consoles, etc ...

I do not think the technology is bad, at all, I only believe since they are very young, parents should establish guidelines for moderate use.

Video: Health and Climate Change: A Febrile Planet? (July 2024).