Caresses between twin brothers in the womb

Italian scientists from different universities have discovered that twin fetuses have a curious tactile relationship from very early in the womb. With 18 weeks of gestation they already want to "socialize" within the womb, and they look for and touch each other carefully as caresses.

This conclusion has been reached by psychologists, neurologists and gynecologists after studying the movements of five pairs of twin fetuses with ultrasonography, a four-dimensional ultrasound technique. The details are published in the journal PLoS ONE with the title "Wired to Be Social: The Ontogeny of Human Interaction" ("Programmed to be social: the ontogeny of human interaction").

In the first 20-minute recordings, taken at 14 weeks of pregnancy, they observed that the babies touched each other a little, and that they rather touched themselves (eyes and mouth mainly), in addition to caressing The uterine wall They would be the first sensory experiments of the little ones.

However, four weeks later, 30% of the movements were directed at his brother, many in the form of what could be interpreted as caresses in the head, and extended for a longer time, showing some "improvement" that has not been considered accidental by the study authors.

How could it be otherwise, the conclusions of this study have been taken to cause cause in the debate against abortion in Spain (and I imagine that also in other countries), and most references to this news are found in newspapers conservatives or websites related to people or Christian sectors that also in many cases do not offer the data in a complete way.

We can read the news of the study in its entirety (in English) from here, in which no valuations are made beyond the important data that we would like to highlight, the high degree of sensitivity and "awareness" of fetuses (greater conformity pregnancy advances) and the tremendous interaction and connection between the twins inside the womb

No wonder that once they are born, the little ones still need each other close, they have spent a lot of time together strongly. A friend recently told me that her little ones slept peacefully in the crib when they "mated" imitating the position they maintained during the last months before birth.

And what seems undeniable is that you are caresses between brothers in the womb Humans confirm we are designed to be social and that our interest in communication develops naturally as the neuronal system matures.

Video: Beyoncé Announces Shes Pregnant with Twins See the Photo! (July 2024).