The incredible confession of actress Jessica Biel: eat in the shower to have a moment of "mother without interruptions"

Those of us who are parents discover right away, by having children, that intimacy is a thing that disappears progressively as your first child grows Even as a baby, there are days when you have to see yourself doing something as incredible as urinating or defecating with the child in your arms because you have fallen asleep, it has cost you a lot that will finally give up on sleep and you know that if you leave it, you have to start over. And there you stand trying not to make much noise, while you ask yourself to see how the hell are you going to get your underpants and pants.

When they are older, it is a matter of the child's freedom, which goes throughout the house, and company search. It is very possible that he is playing alone so calmly and you say to yourself: "Well, I am going now, I see it calm" ... Seconds later he will be pounding the door because he needs to enter the bathroom with you, nor does he know why.

Well, these days the actress Jessica Biel He made a very incredible confession on Instagram: for a while there are several occasions when has decided to eat in the shower A little to avoid what I said, the loss of moments for her alone. That way, even if it's only a few minutes, it becomes a mother without interruptions; A woman who enjoys doing what she wants without having to pay attention to what her son asks.

There is who is eating, there is who is going to the WC, there are those

We all need some moment of tranquility, or intimacy. That moment when you need not to be disturbed, in which you beg that at least at that moment you can be for what you are doing.

For Jessica, the time is to eat. This photo is accompanied by this text: "Yes. As in the shower. I admit it. Chicken sausage with apple and espresso coffee. Try it. I dare you. #ShowerEats".

I have also felt on many occasions that it is, when you just sat down to eat, eager to enjoy what you have on the table, and when you take three bites a son asks you to go to I don't know where to do I don't know what, because apparently he is no longer hungry and urgently needs your help.

And yes, of course you tell him that not now, that I am eating, that he waits a little, that "I can't even eat quietly anymore", but at the most it disappears a couple of minutes and then you have it there again, and in the end you go because you take less doing what it asks you to give it long.

"Eating in the shower ... we all do this ... right? #ShowerEats"

But for others it is another thing: go to the WC without anyone bothering you, being able to shower without coming to look at you through the screen, while they talk to you and you are asking them what they say because you do not hear them, or just being able to sit for a while watching TV, or reading a book, when it's past ten o'clock at night and they keep making noise, jumping and asking you I don't know what things. Well hey, in the end you just ask them to shut up, that they are not hours, that they sleep, that it is time, and that they leave you a little peace ... a little while that really is, because You know that you will soon fall asleep.

So Jessica, I understand you, and surely many mothers also understand you, especially if they are one of those who spend all day with their children and reach a point where they say "Now is my time. My brief but intense moment". As "intense" as eating in the shower and then having a coffee without anyone bothering you. Something that all mortals can do with more or less tranquility at any time of the day, but for mothers is like stroking freedom, like enjoying the "good life" without worries, or even a few minutes.

Video: Jessica Biel reveals details on The Sinner Season 2 (July 2024).