The week in Babies and more: from August 27 to September 2

Last week There have been a lot of interesting things on the blog.

As for the personal experiences that we like so much to share with you, Elda told us about the separation anguish that her baby Arturo is going through, and I about my girl and her first heels playing to be a princess.

Speaking of parents, we have known about the life of the sextuplets born in Arizona two months ago, whose parents despite the 38 bottles and 50 diapers they take care of are infinitely happy.

On pregnancy we have recommended controlling gestational diabetes to avoid the obesity of the future baby and a study has revealed to us that women who have been exposed to girls' cigarette smoke have a higher risk of having abortions.

Also a study that I have not given too much credibility indicated that taking the baby with the right hand can be a sign of stress in the mother, while another concluded that the age difference between mother and father influences the number of children the couple.

With regard to home delivery, a trend that I would not aim for, although it is gaining more and more followers, I have asked you if you would give birth in your own home.

Regarding child health issues that parents are so concerned about, we have talked about dyslalia in children over four years of age, about urinary tract infections in children, a frequent topic at the stage when they start to go to the bathroom alone and Expert advice on how to prevent plagiocephaly (head deformity) of the baby caused by always resting on the same side.

It has also been very curious to know that adult monkeys communicate with their young in the baby language, just as we do with human babies.

As a note of color, I have taught you a curious invention that I do not think will thrive among manufacturers, but it is still funny, a cart that an ingenious father has "tuned" the wheels.

We have echoed some very useful advice on the use of the computer in homes with children and we have talked about the advisors to choose the name of the baby, a new fashion service in the United States for parents who need help in choosing.

Finally, we have talked about some interesting products such as Biobaby biodegradable diapers and we have suggested some practical purchases such as the Ikea Trofast storage system for children's rooms, a frame where to place the photos of the baby's first year month by month, an umbrella that It is fixed to the handle of the cart so that the parents have both hands free and a puree dispensing spoon that saves us from loading it after each bite.

Video: This Week On Neighbours 28th August - 1st September (July 2024).