The personality trait that children who perform best in school have in common

As parents, we are responsible for many aspects of our children's lives: their health, their emotional state and their education, among others. At this last point, we are interested in our children developing their learning skills and we are in charge of promoting and motivating them to continue learning day by day.

One of the places where our children can acquire a lot of knowledge besides home, is the school. Many parents worry about the performance of their children in class and wonder about those situations that can positively or negatively influence it.

One study found that Children who have better performance in school have a personality trait in common. We tell you what it is and how you can encourage your children to develop it further.

The study

Published in the journal Pediatric Research, the study found that a characteristic of childhood could define the degree of success or school performance that children have equally. Is about curiosity.

We probably don't find the conclusion reached by the researchers of this new study very surprising, but it is certainly something that helps us remember to pay attention to certain aspects of our children's lives, which we often overlook without knowing How important they can be.

In this case, the curiosity of a child can influence the performance they have in school, because according to the study, The more curious a child is, the better performance he will have in certain school subjects.

Having the data of 6,200 children, The study analyzed the possible relationship between the curiosity of children and the academic achievements they can obtain in childhood. His hypothesis was that, the greater the degree of curiosity, the better performance they would have in the areas of reading and mathematics.

Reports and ratings of the children in both areas were analyzed, and parents were also asked to answer some questions about their children's personality, with special emphasis on the level of curiosity they thought they showed.

They found that The greater the degree of curiosity in children, the greater the achievements they presented in the areas of reading and mathematics at the preschool level.. And while these results did not influence the sex of the children, it was found that children with a socioeconomic level under the relationship between curiosity and their school performance were greater than those of children with a high socioeconomic level.

The researchers concluded that, Although not yet recognized as such, curiosity can be an important contributor to children's academic achievement., and that encouraging it could optimize these achievements in preschool children.

How to help you foster and develop your curiosity

Curiosity is something that is an essential part of childhood. Our children are attentive to the world around them from the moment they are born, and they get to know him little by little as they grow and develop. In those first years of life, curiosity is something natural in them.

Sometimes without realizing it, we can make our adult vision of the world influence how our children learn about their world. But as we have seen in this study, the keeping that curiosity alive over the years could give them great benefits when they go to school.

So how can we continue to encourage and keep this curiosity alive as the years go by? We share some things you can do:

  • Keep your capacity for wonder alive. Children have that new and innocent vision, which is astonished with everything they look at. The things that for us may seem simpler, for them they turn out to be the most incredible in the world. Let them maintain that capacity of wonder, marveling at them.

  • Encourage him to question and investigate about topics that interest him. Maybe you already know all the answers on some topic, but your son doesn't. Encourage him to investigate, ask questions and learn new things. We can explain how some things work, but let's try to encourage them to use their imagination or make use of their reasoning.

  • Don't do everything for him. Probably nothing kills curiosity and creativity more than doing everything for the children. As parents, we must support our children, but rather than do things for them, we must be their guides, so that by our side they can learn to do and understand certain things for themselves.

Let's seek to maintain and promote not only curiosity, but children's creativity, as they will be Two important factors that will help you succeed in various aspects of your life.

Photos | iStock
Via | Business insider
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