Tips to prevent cavities in children

Cavities are the most common oral problem among children, and it has been increasing in recent years. 40 years ago children did not have as many cavities as today.

The diet, with an excess of sugary products, as well as bad cleaning habits are the main causes of motivating the appearance of cavities, so it is important to transmit healthy habits since they are very young. We give you some tips to prevent cavities in children.

Do not suck the pacifier to clean it

A very frequent habit of parents is to clean the pacifier by putting it in their mouths, but it is not advisable because in this way bacteria could pass to the baby that they have in their mouth and spread cavities.

Although there are studies that suggest that this gesture could be beneficial to prevent the risk of allergies, cleaning the pacifier with the parents' saliva should not be done if they have cavities or poor dental hygiene.

Cavities can be spread from adults to children, so avoid transmitting them, not only by not sucking the pacifier, but also by avoiding sharing utensils such as glasses, spoons or toothbrushes.

Have breakfast every day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, with it the children accumulate energy for the rest of the day. But in addition, not having breakfast in the morning has a direct relationship with the appearance of cavities, since children resort more to pecking between hours, a threat to the teeth of the little ones.

If the child needs to eat at times other than meals, offer healthy snacks and avoid sugary and processed foods such as cookies, industrial juices, buns and other low-nutritive products.

Avoid packaged juices and sugary sodas

It is believed that with packaged juices they are being given fruits, but fruit concentrations are minimal compared to the excessive sugars they contain.

Sugars become compounds that increase the acidity of the oral cavity. Sugar next to acids, deteriorate the enamel, eroding it and favoring the appearance of dental caries.

Brush your teeth frequently

Children should brush their teeth like at least twice a day, when getting up and going to bed. It is common to skip brushing, especially at night when they are very tired, but it is necessary to know that the bacteria that lodge in the mouth act especially at night to produce less saliva that helps to neutralize their action.

Many times it is not possible due to school schedules, but ideally brush your teeth also after meals. And of course, after eating sweets between meals.

A proper brushing technique

The teeth must be cleaned since they appear in the mouth, since any fermentable food can cause tooth decay in the baby. At the beginning with a moistened gauze and as more pieces appear a brush suitable for its age with soft bristles and rounded tips.

When they are little we should help them until they learn to do it correctly on their own. Even with older children you have to review those areas that are more difficult to access, such as molars and internal faces.

Dress the dentist

Every six months you have to go to the dentist for a review. In addition to controlling the position of the teeth and the fall of the dental pieces, it will also be controlled if there are any cavities and sealants will be applied to avoid them if necessary.

If there are any cavities, this one should be treated even if the tooth is milk. It is believed that as it will fall, tooth decay will go away with the tooth, but it is a mistake. Caries is an infectious disease that attacks the tooth but if left untreated it will continue to affect the nervous tissue.

Video: Childrens Cavities. How to Keep Your Kids Teeth Healthy (July 2024).