Sciatica in pregnancy

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, up to 30% of women suffer from low back pain or sciatica. The pain originates in the sciatic nerve, which starts from the lower back area through the buttocks and extends to the end of the legs.

Generally this ailment is due to the fact that the back muscles are overloaded and contracted. The relaxation of the abdominal muscles, the lack of power of the buttocks, weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle help this to happen.

The compression of some of the roots of the sciatic nerve, when they leave the spine, due to the pressure exerted by the growing fetus, is another of the most common causes.

The pain manifests as an acute pull that begins in the lumbar area radiated to the leg. The best thing to do to avoid it is to exercise and try to adopt the appropriate postures. If you already suffer from sciatica, keep these recommendations in mind:

  • Apply dry heat to the painful area several times a day.
  • Keep your back as straight as possible at all times.
  • Avoid sitting for long periods of time and when you're sitting put a small cushion on your back.
  • Wear soft shoes with a heel of 3 to 5 cm.
  • Always avoid being able to lift weight, and if you have to do it, try to bend your knees and keep your back straight.

Video: Krista's Pregnancy Blog- Sciatica (July 2024).