Put your fist in your mouth: why babies do it

There are many babies who have a habit of putting their fists in their mouths, and they do it frequently. They put their fingers or even the entire fist in their mouths, sometimes desperately.

It is often believed that it is because he is hungry or because of his teeth, but this not necessarily. There are babies who, despite having made a fresh take, put their hands in their mouths.

It is a normal phase of children's development, which is known as oral phase when around two or three months of life, they begin to discover their hands and put them in their mouth to explore them.

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Why my baby puts his hand in his mouth

It must be understood that newborn babies, by instinct, suck everything that comes to their mouths, just as they do with the mother's nipple. Their hands are what they have most within reach and they put them in their mouths to discover themselves, to discover their body.

There are also babies who perform this action to calm down when they are restless, you have to understand that if you suck your fist or a finger, it is something that we must not ban since it is something natural in the evolution of the little one.

Some parents take their hands from the mouth of the baby and fail to understand that it is necessary for the baby to perform this action.

Put objects in your mouth, and even your hands, It is a way to know the surroundings that surround them, for this reason, never stop him from exploring with his mouth, your baby is developing.

Do not think it will generate a bad habit for doing so. It is a stage of the baby that will pass, when he begins to discover that in addition to his hands, there are a lot of other things that he can take with his own hands and explore with his mouth, such as his feet, toys, etc ... It will be the phase of " he puts everything in his mouth. "

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Video: Baby Fits Whole Fist in Her Mouth! Funny. toddle tale (July 2024).