A girl who knows how to read at 17 months!

Incredible, I stayed with my mouth open to see these images. Elizabeth Barret is a 17 month old American girl that at 14 he read the word 'corn' in the supermarket, to the surprise of his parents. Now, when the little girl still walks without too much security, it's not that she reads novels, but she does play go reading words and phrases They show you, and in such a natural way!

His parents, who are pedagogues, do not explain this skill so early, since Elizabeth is still unable to pronounce a complete sentence clearly. You may have to see the fact that they taught the girl the Sign language as entertainment, just as many stories are read to you.

It is probably that communicative learning and early immersion in language skills that has developed in the girl the ability to read so soon. The images show a brief report about the girl's life with her parents, and how they play with her to show her written sentences that she deciphers without difficulty.

Next, some images of the television program that were broadcast live where the same presenter is astonishing how the little girl achieves read the sentences that appear written on small posters that she is teaching, even something she writes at the moment. And the girl gets angry because she wanted more!

It is clear that reading to children from a very young age is key to the development of their linguistic and cognitive skills, but this is an extreme case ...

It is soon to say that the girl is gifted, but it is undeniable that this early reading It is a feature of those who define gifted children. We will have to see how the girl evolves, and be attended and helped by specialists to continue developing her ability.

Video: I Became A Father At 16. I Was So Naive! (July 2024).