Are natural therapies effective against morning sickness?

Nausea during pregnancy can make you go through very bad times and lead you to look for different solutions, including those that are not drugs. Natural therapies are increasingly used against morning sickness, such as ginger or chamomile preparations and acupuncture or hypnotherapy therapies.

And it is that when there are certain things that you can not even smell during pregnancy because nausea and vomiting make a presence, with the consequent discomfort of the woman who sometimes is not limited to a moment of the day but to the whole day, it is difficult Make a normal life.

So, we look for any solution, and many times we want to run away from drugs to avoid risks. But are natural therapies effective against morning sickness? Anne Matthews, the lead author of a recent review of previous clinical trials published in 'The Cochrane Library' says that

Alternative therapies have gained great relevance among women, although there is less evidence about their true efficacy.

They add, that there was some improvement, although at three weeks, in a work that valued the advantages of acultimulation (a therapy that uses electrical stimulation at acupuncture points). Although it would be necessary to assess whether the improvement is due to therapy or simply over time, which fortunately cures the evil of nausea to many women.

Regarding the effects of ginger, "we found little evidence about its efficacy in relieving nausea." According to the review, it could even be pernicious, since this preparation caused heartburn in some women.

According to Anne Matthews, from the University of Dublin (Ireland), in six studies on acupressure (a technique that involves pressing hands on different points on the surface of the human body) and two on acupuncture, “we do not observe differences in terms of to the benefits, with the control groups ”.

The review includes 27 trials in which, in total, 4041 women participated in the first 20 weeks of gestation. From the review of these studies they conclude that

Although some trials seemed to show benefits, in general, the results were inconsistent, so conclusions cannot be drawn about the efficacy of non-pharmacological therapies in reducing these symptoms. More research is necessary.

According to gynecology experts, not everything natural is harmless, and it is preferable that, when a woman has nausea in the first weeks of pregnancy, follow some recommendations such as not eating copious foods, breaking them five or six times a day, not eating food gastroirritants (fats, spicy ...) ...

I do not know if these tips or some of these natural therapies would be effective for you to mitigate the nausea, I recognize that I had to resort to the lowest dose of drugs to control them and "go back to being a person", with a medical prescription.

In any case, both the administration of drugs and the monitoring of natural therapies against nausea they should be valued by the specialists who follow up the pregnancy, and of course ignore the homemade tricks of popular wisdom without proven basis.

Video: Home remedies for morning sickness during pregnancy (July 2024).