That seems nice does not mean that it is: a sea lion hunts a girl and throws it into the water

I don't go to zoos anymore. I like animals, but I do not like to see them in a habitat that is not theirs, and above all I do not like to see people doing nonsense to get a photo or a reaction of this or that animal. A sign says don't feed it, but it doesn't matter, there is always someone throwing food so that you can approach and immortalize it with your mobile.

In this case there were also posters, but again, "the rules are to skip them," I suppose. So we get a video and a more fun experience, hey, we are traveling: to enjoy. Luckily the animal did not get away with it, but it could have ended in tragedy: a sea lion hunts a girl and throws her in the water.

They fed him

As we read in El Periódico, it happened at Steveston Harbor, in Richmond, Canada. A family of tourists went to visit him on Saturday without knowing that they would take the worst possible fright.

Peeking, facing the sea, they were visited by a sea lion, a beautiful seal in the eyes of those who have seen them, especially in animated films. Come on, they seem most sympathetic and harmless because in Finding Dory They are the funniest, when in reality they are animals that only try to get food.

Everyone was very happy and happy to have seen the animal, and there were even some who threw something to eat. Then the girl, who had already received a notice of the seal coming out of the water, decided to sit with her back and being within reach.

In one jump, he grabbed her with his mouth and threw her into the water, where perhaps he could not with all his weight to submerge it and take it with him. The father jumped running to save her, in a brief moment in which no one was injured, but with a scare that surely made their day bitter.

"Do not feed the wild animals"

Several signs in the area of ​​the harbor promenade ask tourists not to feed the animals. The consequences? You see them. They approach and, since they are fed, they ask for more. The president of the Port Authority, Robert Kiesman, has been blunt about it when asked about the incident: "No one would go to give a sandwich to a brown bear if it is found in the bush, right? It is reckless behavior and stupid. "

It is great to sightsee. It is amazing to see animals in their natural habitat. It's nice to record them to have a memory. But more beautiful is to get home safe and sound, and not with a wild animal bite, or worse, with some life to regret.

Video: Sea lion drags girl into Steveston waters (July 2024).