The last tidy of my children: Aran and the cream of the decorative ass

I know you missed him, I know it had been a while since I talked about Aran and his experiments, perhaps because the last one, that of the flying laptop, was so great that he decided to wait a while until he did the next.

On this occasion Aran decided, a few days ago, that the cream of the ass It could work as a material to express feelings, emotions and ultimately his art in closets, walls and in his own clothes, face and hair.

When I arrived home that day, everything was clean, but Miriam, my wife, decided to document the report beforehand in order to explain (a picture is worth a thousand words) what happened.

As you can see, the pasta in the water leaves a fairly characteristic trace, since it offers a pleasant density to the touch and with many possibilities when it comes to spreading it. It is tremendously sticky (or dense, it would be the word). You put it on, replace it, give it four more turns and when you think it is impossible for you to have cream on your finger you realize that there is still.

Perhaps for this reason Aran chose this cream: superb durability, it hooks on wood and clothes, can be painted with little effort and it is not necessary to wet your finger too many times to get an extensive result.

Anyway, nothing that does not fix a good bit of water rubbing surfaces and a washing machine (well, two, which with the first one still saw the black sweatshirt with white tint effect ...).

I leave you with some more photos of the room decorator and I remind you that if you want to send any trastada of your children You can do it by sending an email to [email protected], explaining the problem and attaching an image of it, with a minimum width of 650 px.

And this time, to finish documenting the case, we even have a video:

Video: HSN. Bedding Clearance - 10 AM (July 2024).