Sunscreen for babies and children: everything you need to know to protect them from the sun

The skin care of children in summer is a routine that we should not forget. Outdoor activities make them spend many hours exposed to the sun's rays, whether we go to the sun or the mountain or stay in the city, and it is necessary to avoid sun damage on the delicate skin of our little ones.

Remember that the skin has memory, so protecting them during childhood is essential if we want to avoid long-term problems such as diseases or even future skin cancer. We tell you everything you need to know about photoprotectors in children to protect them from the sun with total safety.

Types of photoprotection

Chemical or organic filters

The first thing we should know is that there are different types of photoprotectors. There is creams with chemical or organic filters. They are substances that applied to the skin absorb photons from sunlight, through photochemical reactions, and modify them so that it does not harm the skin.

It is important to know that they need about 30 minutes to take effect, so you have to apply it well in advance before exposing yourself to the sun. Since they are absorbed through the skin, they have a higher risk of allergy, so its use is restricted in children. The most used substances are PABA and its derivatives.

Physical or mineral filters

On the other hand, there are the creams with physical or mineral filters, inorganic which are recommended for children. They are inert substances that applied to the skin reflect sunlight like a mirror and, unlike the previous ones, do not absorb radiation.

They are much more effective in terms of protection because they protect the entire solar spectrum and have less risk of allergy, but they are less cosmetic, leaving a thin whitish layer on the skin, even so, each time they have a more similar texture and easy to to extend.

This can also be an advantage, since by leaving a mark we know exactly where we have applied the protector, without leaving unprotected areas. For these reasons they are especially indicated in children. They are substances impervious to solar radiation and rarely produce allergic reactions.

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From what age to use them?

One of the most common doubts is whether children under six months can use sunscreen. The logical thing is avoid exposing the baby directly to the sun's rays Because your delicate skin is at greater risk of burns. There are other ways to protect it from the sun, with caps, clothes, keeping it in the shade and avoiding the central hours of the day. Even so, if you are going to be exposed to the sun at some time of the day, you should keep in mind that:

Yes The cream is chemical filter, it is not recommended, because we talk about chemical elements that the baby's skin will absorb, causing allergies and irritations.

On the other hand, if the cream is a physical filter, we are talking about different components, which are not absorbed and, therefore, produce much less skin reactions. These yes babies under six months can be put Only if we consider it necessary.

What protection factor to use?

To choose a type of photoprotector you have to take into account a series of factors such as who is it aimed at and the phototype, which is determined by the characteristics of the pigmentation of the skin, eyes, hair, and the ability to acquire a tan .

It depends on the sensitivity of people to ultraviolet radiation and formation of solar erythema (redness). In the population there are different individual phototypes of each person, which means that we are not equal in front of the sun.

In the case of children, a Very high protection SPF 50+ for children from 0 to 5 years old, and physical filter. Between 6 and 10 years of age always high (SPF30) or very high (SPF 50+).

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How to apply sunscreen?

Before applying the cream to the entire body, it should be tested in a small area of ​​the child's skin in case any component could cause some irritation or allergic reaction.

Once we verify that it is safe, apply a good amount of cream 30 minutes before sun exposure in a homogeneous and well distributed way, and reinforce every two or three hours, since although there are water-resistant creams, it is preferable to repeat the application.

Apply throughout the body, especially in areas that we usually forget such as the nose, the ear pavilions, the shoulders, the insteps, the scalp and on the back of the knees and legs.

Which to choose?

Do not be sensitizing and be stable to light, air, moisture and heat. They must be resistant to sand, sweat and water (especially important in the case of children). They must be hypoallergenic products that guarantee maximum tolerance, even in the most sensitive skin, and contain filters that cover most of the solar spectrum, mainly UVB and UVA, in addition to indicating the indices or the ability of the product to protect the skin against both radiations

In any case, keep in mind the recommendation that these products do not contain PABA (paraaminobenzoic acid), a substance that can cause allergic skin reactions. Overdose of this substance (which is present in very low doses in certain foods, especially meats and cereals) could cause hypoglycemia, hives, intestinal problems and even liver toxicity, especially in infants.

As for format, there are cream, lotion, milk, oil and even in spray format, the latter very practical for the beach, so you can choose the one that suits you best.

Can sun creams from the previous year be used?

It is not convenient, since after a year the protection capacity and stability of the product is not guaranteed. The actual protection factor of the cream, months later, may not correspond to the one indicated on the package, with a greater risk to the skin.

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Photos | iStockphoto and Pixabay (Mojca JJ)

In Babies and more | Summer with children: protect them from the sun, Video: Do ​​we really protect children from the sun?

Video: Sun Protection for Babies and Toddlers (July 2024).