Week 31 of pregnancy: the breasts begin to form milk

We arrived at the pregnancy week 31 in our review of pregnancy week by week. Start the countdown, if you don't go ahead In about 9 weeks your baby will be born.

Changes in the baby in the 31st week of pregnancy

This week your baby measures between 40 and 41 cm from head to toe and the weight is around 1,500 grams But in the coming weeks It will double your weight.

The lungs are practically formed, although they cannot still breathe outside the mother. Its skeleton is in full growth and its bones continue to store calcium, phosphorus and iron.

You can turn your head and "see", not only distinguish the light from the darkness and your kidneys are fully functional and eliminate more than half a liter of urine a day.

Changes in the mother in the 31st week of pregnancy

You may feel some contraction, especially when changing position, but it will be normal, think that your body is preparing for childbirth. They are called Braxton Hicks contractions. They last between 30 and 60 seconds and are irregular. At this time of pregnancy they should be infrequent and painless. If they are very painful and you have more symptoms such as menstrual cramps or severe abdominal pain, it is best to call your gynecologist.

Due to the compression of the uterus on the stomach, five or six small meals are recommended throughout the day to reduce heartburn and better digestion. This will also help fight fluid retention.

The breasts begin to form milk and it is possible that a little colostrum comes out through the nipple.

And I'm sorry for you, but from now on sleeping will get more and more complicated, my advice is that you appropriate all the pillows in the house, yours, your mother's, your mother-in-law and whoever have on hand

Diagnostic tests of the 31st week of pregnancy

During this week and week 34 you will have the ultrasound of the third trimester used to quantify amniotic fluid, review baby's morphology and that with what gynecologists never succeed, Estimate the baby's weight.

Though Every pregnant and every baby is a world These are the main changes that occur in the mother and the baby during pregnancy week 31. Do not stop following your pregnancy week by week.

Next week: 32nd week of pregnancy

Video: Should Breast Milk Come in During Pregnancy? CloudMom (July 2024).