Dads and Moms Blogs (LII)

One more week we take a walk through the moms and dads blogs, discovering in them themes and reflections that we want to bring you closer to, because there are truly jewels to learn from and enjoy.

First, this time I must quote Don't mistreat me that I'm a child, the blog of Elvis Canino, an enormously aware father of the damage produced by abuse in children. This time I was deeply moved by his entry Egos suicides, in which he explains that so much pain, loneliness and isolation that we see in adults comes from the damage that these children suffered from neglect and violence in childhood.

I also loved what I read in ECOnomic baby, where Sarai brings us an account of an African mother living in Europe who realizes the great difference between how babies are treated here and how they do it in their town, where the crying of a baby is unusual because The little ones are carried in their arms and they are breast-fed before any complaint or discomfort. And it says that African children do not cry.

Violet, from Breeding in Contravía He tells us the way in which Nature has been removed from our way of existing and how artificial life has become normal.

The combative and at the same time sweet Ileana, author of the blog We got boobs, tells us that Facebook has returned to act considering breastfeeding as obscene, closing the page of a well-known Chilean psychologist, and it has been echoed, like many blogging blogs, that the network has prompted Dodot to delete an article that explained the way to physically abuse children.

This question also echoes Jesusa Ricoy in his blog Writing about maternity, telling how a maternal revolution is born in the network.

Liliana continues with her Cavilations and it explains the enormous importance of the emotional support of the parents so that the child develops in a healthy and happy way.

Janeth, from Mom give me tit, alerts us to the rush that seems to invade society to encourage young children to be independent before they truly are.

Erika, the author of Doula's soul, he tells us, in a really shocking and emotional post, his feelings about the loss of pregnancy and that son who could not be born.

And I finish with the always accurate and fun How not to be a drama mom, in which the author tells us the way in which her mother, so special she, told her that she would never be the first to anything.

And with this, we will wait for next week to bring you, again, the best of moms and dads blogs.

Video: The Truth About the Shocks (July 2024).