Blessingway: a ritual to honor the future mom

They are becoming increasingly known blessingway, a ritual to honor the future mom in which only women from the closest environment of the pregnant woman participate.

Unlike the commercial baby shower, party in which gifts are given to the pregnant woman for the future baby, the blessingway is a spiritual event, a meeting where emotional support is provided about pregnancy and childbirth that is to come. Rites and prayers in the blessingway have to do with healing, creation, harmony and peace.

The translation of the word blessingway has to do with its meaning: blessing= blessing way= path. It has its origin in the culture of the Navajos natives of North America, who celebrated a ritual to offer the blessing to passages of life, such as pregnancy or the passage of girls towards puberty.

It is a celebration dedicated exclusively to the future mother, in which rituals intended to pamper her, a kind of healing party among women. They have room for massages, prayers, combing her hair, decorating her hair with flowers, giving her symbolic gifts, lighting candles, or why not, creating an amulet for the time of delivery.

The mother receives the support of her friends, whether mothers or not, who will give her emotional strength to give birth to a new life. A relaxing, intimate atmosphere is created, exalting the spiritual value of childbirth and the transcendent step of women towards motherhood (whether or not the first time she becomes a mother).

It is usually organized by a friend or a doula who is in charge of inviting the women closest to the future mother. Together they get the elements that will intervene in the ritual (candles, aromas, fabrics, relaxing music, petals, etc.) and think about the "blessings" that will be given to face the new stage.

Video: Jenny's Blessingway (July 2024).