Do not forget to ask your mother how long you breastfed before asking a woman to breastfeed elsewhere

If yesterday we explained the story of a woman who was sprayed with breast milk for asking a mother to breastfeed somewhere else today we bring you a more comic story of a man who approached a woman in the pool to say the same and whose mother rebuked him for doing so.

In the middle of the discussion, and in front of the nursing mother, the old lady confessed to her son that she had breastfed him for 18 months, and to shut up at once. That is why today's advice is this: don't forget to ask your mother how long you breastfed before asking a woman to breastfeed elsewhere.

This story was shared a few days ago by Amanda Tenwalde Kingry on her Facebook page. As we read, a woman was in the pool breastfeeding her baby in order to help her take a nap, and to prevent her from getting distracted by the surrounding views she covered him with a towel.

The boy was struggling to escape from his towel jail when a man in his 40s approached him to say "Excuse me, are you breastfeeding your baby?" She replied "Yes?", As if asking him to continue his argument, and he, seriously, told him that I thought that was not the place to do that.

He was thinking how to react, already imagining the gesture of standing up to kick his testicles when he saw the mother of the above, about 70, standing behind him - a small, thin woman - with an obvious gesture of anger.

He was on the plan "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO THAT WOMAN, KEVIN?" And when he was about to repeat his message she exploded: "What the hell, Kevin ?! I had no idea I had educated you like that, Kevin! I won't talk to you until you apologize! I gave you the chest until you were 18 fucking months, Kevin!"

And he replied "But you never told me this, mom!" And the mother exploded again: "And why should we have talked about it? It's fucking normal, Kevin!"

At that moment Kevin apologized for his intrusion and returned to his mother ... Fifteen minutes later she still did not speak to him, and the nursing mother decided to share what she had just lived by adding, in the end, that she even felt bad for what had just ended of passing Kevin, with laughter and surprise.

Ask your mother ... or think that once, you were also a baby

For that, the moral of this story is that before getting into the affairs of others, before telling a woman that this is not the right place to breastfeed, before telling a baby that she cannot eat or calm down where I needed it, you asked your mother for how long she breastfed you. Because you might be surprised and see that you have no moral authority to say anything to anyone.

And if this is not the case, if your mother tells you that she barely breastfed you, or that she didn't even give it to you, then think that there was a time when you were a baby. A time in your life that you do not remember when you cried if you did not have what you needed: if the bottle was slow to arrive, if the pacifier was not within your reach, if your parents could not hold you because they were busy, or if they did not They did it because someone thought it was a good idea to explain to them that taking children who cry is not a good idea.

You cried, you suffered, you felt alone on more than one occasion and most likely your mother did her best and impossible to calm you down even when other people told him to do it differently. Think about it, and don't be "those other people." Don't be Kevin

Video: Woman Breastfed Her Daughter Until She Was Nine. This Morning (July 2024).