The great invention of a father: absorbent pajamas, for children who wet the bed

After our children leave the day diaper, it usually takes time for them to also leave it during the night. At this stage, there may be some occasions when the diaper is no longer enough or, After leaving it, wet the bed at night.

Thinking about these situations and everything that involves children wetting the bed, a father created a liquid-proof pajamas, for children who still can't quite leave the night diaper.

Called PeeJamas (playing with the word "pee" which means "urine" in English), this father's proposal is one that no doubt many will love. As the father of three children, he went through that stage in which the children seem ready to leave the night diaper, but occasionally accidents still occurred.

Finally, after waking up and seeing that the entire bed had been wet, he decided that he would think of a solution for night diapers and end up with that problem once and for all. Then, it was when he thought of creating PeeJamas, a sleeping garment that was able to retain urine and prevent the bed from getting wet.

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According to information from Parents, the clothes are made of materials that have high absorption and are easily machine washable for approximately 300 times, before they lose their absorbent capacity.

In addition to helping to avoid having to change all the bedding, with the use of these pajamas you can surely save on the purchase of diapers, because unlike disposable diapers -and like cloth diapers- may be reused multiple times.

Definitely these absorbent pajamas are a solution to a situation that many parents find themselves day after day, and that will facilitate those nights when our children still occasionally have an "accident" while they sleep.

Photos | PeeJamas
Via | Parents

Video: Parenting Tips: Bedwetting (July 2024).