Heat and pregnancy: how to sleep well without air conditioning on summer nights

Your sleep may be affected during pregnancy, especially during the third trimester when several factors that prevent you from sleeping well are combined, such as not finding a comfortable position because of the size of the belly and having to get up frequently to go to the bathroom. Over in summer, it adds up Another factor to the equation of bad sleep in pregnancy: heat.

If you don't have air conditioning In the room, sleeping on summer nights when temperatures tighten can become a real hell. We give you some tips so you can sleep as fresh as possible.

Tips for sleeping without air conditioning in summer:

The fan, your best friend

The ideal temperature for sleeping is around twenty degrees, but a house without refrigeration in the middle of summer hardly reaches those values. If you do not have air conditioning, the fan will become your best companion, so get a powerful one with a good air flow and place it at bedtime.

A trick to cool the air: place a container with ice in front of the fan. It will take what the ice takes to melt, so the bigger they are, the better.

Sleep with the windows open

As long as it is safe, sleep with the window of the room open. And even better if you sleep with the door open and open other windows of the house, so that the air circulates better.

Cool pillows and sheets

There are who put the pillow and sheets inside the freezer or refrigerator wrapped in a bag for a few hours before going to bed. The problem is that the fridge should be large enough or the pillow too small, but if you want to try it, you don't lose anything.

Keep the house cool

During the day, try to keep the house as cool as possible, so at night the temperature will be more comfortable. Open the windows early to ventilate, but when the heat begins to tighten close them a little and lower the blinds.

A shower before bed

Before you go to bed, take a shower and wet your hair. Although cold water may be the first thing we think, according to the Biological Institute of Health, the remedy is worse than the disease. The cold shower causes a momentary term shock that reactivates energy expenditure producing more body heat.

As we do not want to increase the heat, it is recommended then a shower with warm water To sleep more at ease.

A bag of cold water

You can use the hot water bag that you use in winter to warm your feet, but putting cold water and some ice inside. Keeping some body parts cool like ankles, feet and wrists will help you sleep better.

Outside the pillow bunker

If you are pregnant, you may have built a pillow bunker in your bed. If so, reduce the number of pillows and cushions to a minimum for comfortable sleeping.

Light sleepwear

The less clothes you wear for sleep, the better. Choose light and breathable cotton or linen clothes, and avoid synthetic fabrics. Make sure that the sheets are also made of cotton or linen, as fresh as possible, and that your mattress is placed on the summer side, if you have that option.

Light and refreshing dinners

Avoid copious dinners that make digestion difficult, as well as stimulating, carbonated, sugary or coffee drinks. Choose refreshing foods such as gazpacho, fruits and vegetables and forget about fried and spicy foods.

Do not go to bed immediately after dinner to prevent heartburn. We don't want more fire inside.

Fresh water

Take away a glass with fresh water size XXL to the nightstand. So you can hydrate during the night and replenish the fluid lost by sweating without getting up. Of course, if you drink a lot, it will make you go to the bathroom more during the night.

We hope these cool tips they serve you to sleep better on summer nights if you are pregnant and do not have air conditioning at home.

Photos | iStockphoto, PCHere
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Video: How to keep your house cool in the summer without AC (July 2024).