EmprendeKIDS children create an application to help children in the third world

I have heard this news late although I think it can still be published because I have seen that the game is available on Google Play. And the news is that twenty children between 10 and 15 years have created the application Solidarity game to raise funds for educational projects in countries like India and Ecuador. For this they have dedicated the project to the NGO The army of love to those who will deliver the proceeds until July 25, 2014. The application costs one euro and is available for devices equipped with Android.

The most interesting thing is that the activity has been carried out in one of the workshops of the summer camp Undertake KIDS. The main driver of the project has been Julio Astarloa, CEO of AlldayInternet, who taught the kids all the necessary steps to develop the application and also taught them how to perform the marketing of the game through the Internet using marketing tools.

As you can see in the image that illustrates the article, and that is taken from the game page, the inspiration has been the comecocos although it seems to me that the most interesting part of the workshop is the skills and abilities development among the kids so they can make initiatives like this with their friends, with their family or at school.

The camp has been held at the El Mazo Hostel in Cantabria and surely the kids have learned a lot of things although the most prominent is this of the solidarity application. Surely in the work group several children can be leaders in their skills and will be specialists who working together They have proven that they can obtain an extraordinary result. I think that is one of the lessons of this type of workshops and camps and that is why congratulations to EmprendeKIDS for the initiative

Video: Joy Kids Show News (July 2024).