Genetic identification card for adopted children

Biological parents share a genetic code with their children, but in the case of adoptive parents with respect to their adopted children, the only way to prove a direct relationship is through registration in the Civil Registry.

Therefore, the genetic research and molecular biology laboratory Lorgen GP, ​​linked to the University of Granada, has created a genetic identification test that links them as a family which could be very useful in case of accidents, kidnappings, fires or situations in which there may be identification doubts, as well as in cases where children claim civil rights.

This is a certificate of non-consanguineous kinship between the minor and his parents, a very necessary test "to resolve the situation of inferiority of adoptive parents and adopted children with respect to the rest of society," says Miguel Góngora, the president of the ADECOP Federation of International Adoption Associations.

The kit is not cheap, it costs 495 euros that are currently out of the pocket of the adoptive parents. It can be obtained in pharmacies and consists of a saliva sampling kit that is placed in an envelope to send to the laboratory, which within a few days issues the certificate.

Video: How To Choose The Gender Of Your Baby (July 2024).