On Sunday, September 14, 2014, the IV Solidarity Race is held Menudos Corazones Villa de Vallecas District IKEA Trophy

The next Sunday, September 14, 2014 Starting at 9:30 a.m. IV Solidarity Race Menudos Corazones Villa de Vallecas District IKEA Trophy. The president of the Menudos Corazones Foundation, Maria EscuderoHe explained in the presentation of the sports event, which was held at the IKEA Ensanche de Vallecas store in Madrid, that “the main objective of this new edition is to raise awareness in society about congenital heart disease and reach the families of 4,000 children born every year with heart problems in Spain. "He also hopes that the numbers of the more than 2,000 runners and the 100 volunteers who participated in last year's edition will be exceeded and thanked the support from sponsoring and collaborating entities.

For IKEA Ibérica, who has collaborated in all editions of this solidarity event, this race is a essential classic in which employees from all stores throughout the Spanish geography participate. The communication manager of IKEA IberianMarta Pérez Postigo explained that “we are delighted to collaborate with Menudos Corazones in a new solidarity career. We have been working closely with the Foundation for three years and it is a pride to put our grain of sand to support their work and try to improve the lives of hundreds of children with heart disease. ” He has also attended the Councilor of Villa de Vallecas, Manuel Troitiño who has indicated that "it is a pride to host the fourth edition of this race coinciding with the patron celebrations of Our Lady the Virgin of the Tower."

The funds of this solidarity race, jointly organized by the Madrid City Council, the Villa de Vallecas District and the Menudos Corazones Foundation, with the collaboration of IKEA Ibérica and the Corricolari group, will be allocated to the projects that the Menudos Corazones Foundation has to improve the quality of life of people with congenital heart disease and their families both inside and outside hospitals. Through the registration of the corridors and the zero number, more than 51,000 euros were collected in the last three editions, which were donated to the Foundation.

The career, whose motto is "Thousands of beats, one heart", includes two routes, one of 5 km and another of 10 kmas well as a 400-meter non-competitive children's gait. There will be trophies for the first three runners of the male and female categories, as well as for the groups-associations-companies that will receive a commemorative trophy.

Registration is done on the Internet using the corricolari page and in person, on 12 and 13 at the IKEA Ensanche de Vallecas store in Madrid. Activities for children, a bicycle raffle and a batucada will also be organized.

And who can not come and want to collaborate, can make their solidarity contribution by accessing Menudos Corazones. In addition to the collaboration of the organizing entities, the IV Solidarity Race Menudos Corazones Distrito Villa de Vallecas IKEA Trophy has the support of other solidarity companies: MRM, Tello, Caser Seguros, Día, Sapos and Princesas.com, Coca-Cola Iberian Partners, FisioEspaña Wellness, Baturkana and Giving you Rhythm.

Video: Sunday TV Healing Mass for the Homebound September 14, 2014 (July 2024).