Why does the baby snore?

When the tranquility of the night arrives, we notice that the silence is broken and not precisely by a sound emitted by adults. There are babies who find it hard to breathe while they sleep, and snore. But, Why do babies snore? Should I worry about this fact?

The most common cause of snoring is nothing worrisome (if it is not accompanied by other symptoms), since it is the cold. A cold can partially clog the airways. Then, a few days later the child will stop snoring and what we have to try is to keep the pathways as clear as possible, doing nasal washes, especially before bedtime.

In some cases (approximately 20% of children who snore) snoring is the first symptom of a more serious respiratory sleep disorder, apnea-hypopnea sleep syndrome. In these cases, snoring is accompanied by symptoms such as stop breathing for a few seconds, or the baby seems to "fight" at night, sweat a lot or adopt strange postures when sleeping.

Somewhat older children who suffer from this syndrome also show poor school performance, attention deficit, nocturnal enuresis, lack of appetite ... It is important that, if we suspect that snoring is a symptom of this syndrome, we will tell the pediatrician to perform The relevant evidence.

It could be that the passage of air through the upper airway is hindered by vegetations or tonsils that are too large. There is also the possibility that there is some abnormality in the shape of the oral cavity and jaw.

Other causes baby to snore they can be an infectious or allergic rhinitis, asthma, if there is food regurgitation or if it is exposed to tobacco smoke. Several of these factors may occur together for the child to emit snoring.

It is important to know that snoring, if maintained over time, affects children's sleep quality and rest (they are more likely to have parsimonies), impacting during the day in many negative ways. The Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) notes that one in ten children snores on a regular basis, daily, and it is in these cases that we should seek help.

We have seen that babies snore due to various causes, but if it does it occasionally and coinciding with the colds, we don't have to worry. If your child usually snores without being cracked, tell the pediatrician. It may be more complicated to stop emitting that bronco sound when you sleep and have a quality sleep, but there are ways to achieve it.

Video: A Snoring Child Could Have More Medical Problems WFMJ (July 2024).