If working hours were changed in Spain, the family would win

The VII National Congress is being held in Madrid to Rationalize Spanish Schedules under the motto of "Hours, flexibility and productivity", a measure that would benefit parents and children, and therefore, would contribute to a better society.

At present, the hours of work are too many hours of work and these do not coincide with the school schedule, therefore family reconciliation becomes an exercise in juggling for most families. But nevertheless, if the work schedule in Spain changed as it is intended to end at five or six in the afternoon, no doubt, the family would win.

A Real Conciliation has been claimed in Spain for a long time because we believe that another way of reconciling work and family life is possible. There are many goals to achieve it, but the flexibility of working hours is the first step.

Although the Spaniards are the European workers who work more hours a year, more than Germans and Dutch, we are also the most unproductive workers on the continent. It is time to realize that a greater amount of work time is not equivalent to greater productivity.

Measures are then proposed to rationalize the use of time, such as making a 40-minute stop to eat instead of extending it to two or more hours, and uprooting ourselves from the culture of presentism at work. The important thing is not that the boss sees us sitting in front of the computer, but achieving goals in a stipulated time.

Although there would still be a long way to go, the rationalization of working hours, that is if working hours in Spain were changed (which I hope will become a reality at some point) is the starting point for a better family life.

You could do many things that are lost due to lack of time such as playing with children when we return home, taking care of them, talking with them, doing activities together and even sharing dinner, which many parents miss. Everyday situations that favor bonding and communication between parents and children, and contribute to making the happiest families.

Video: The War that Changed the English Language - Mini-Wars #3 (July 2024).