Recipes for the whole family: roasted chicken with grapes, chocolate bundt cake and more delicious stuff

One more week, like every Thursday, we bring you a new entry for our section of Recipes for the whole family with ideas for children to eat varied, try new things and ours, food that may not taste regularly and could be missing, and that these holidays can be great.

They are recipes made by our partners of Direct to the Palate and Vitónica and today we will have magnificent recipes of dish and some desserts to give a little variety to your menus.

Dish recipes

  • Roast chicken with shallots, mushrooms and grapes: we start with this one, whose photo heads the entrance, which is very much of these Christmas dates and that surely tonight, or tomorrow at lunchtime, everyone will like.
  • Roasted chicken salad with escarole and pomegranate: for those meals in which we want to pull something lighter, perhaps as a result of too copious meals.
  • Express puff pastry with prawns and leeks confit: if you don't know very well what to have as an appetizer with this you have solved it. Of course, better for children over 3 years (for prawns).
  • Kartoffelpuffer or potato pancakes: a different way of giving them potatoes, to get out of mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, etc.
  • Fried green bean cupcakes: to present the vegetable in another way, in the form of tasty cupcakes with green beans.
  • Head of loin in oyster sauce: for when you want meat, but with a slightly different flavor in a fairly quick recipe to make.
  • Caramelized carrot cream: Many children love raw carrots, so a proposal for them is this caramelized cream that will surely surprise you with the look and taste.

Desserts recipes

  • Microwave Chocolate Sponge Cake and Brownie: a different use for the microwave to get two different desserts with a great pint.
  • Double chocolate Bundt cake: you can see it in the photo, good presence and sure good taste to achieve a dessert with which you will surely succeed.
  • Jijona nougat panna cotta: a recipe to take advantage of the nougat we have and leave everyone wanting more.
  • Wine donuts: and finally, the delicious wine donuts but homemade, a luxury available to everyone.

And that's all for today. Enjoy these recipes very much, that you all have a good entry of the year and do not forget that next Thursday we will return with more ideas For the dishes of the week.

Video: $27 Cake Vs. $1,120 Cake (July 2024).