Fran Rivera insists: "my daughter did not take any risks"

After the commotion formed by the images of the right-hand man fighting a cow with his daughter in his arms, the defender of the minor decided to put the case in the hands of the prosecution and that it decided whether or not to take action on the matter.

Today at the exit of the court, where he was giving a statement to the prosecutor and after knowing that he will not take action against the right-hander, Fran Rivera continued to insist: "my daughter did not take any risk" and not only that, but the bullfighter still does not understand why the prosecutor has cared for his daughter, as there are so many other more urgent and painful cases.

We will not deny that there are more serious cases than yours

Indeed I think like the right-handed (and it should be the only thing we agree) in which there are cases much more serious than his daughter's, that is very true. We have cases of child abuse to collapse several courts (and in fact they are) we also have many children in defenselessness, children who do not go to school and many others who have almost nothing to put in their mouths.

But the defender of the minor and the prosecution are not only for these extreme cases, but for any other case in which a minor is in danger and here is, I believe, the essence of everything. However, it is striking how quickly he has acted in this case against other more bleeding cases. What is also no excuse to almost scratch contempt with his attitude, phrases of the kind "You are useless. Really take care of minors who need it" They are not the best example to give a child or young people who consider him (inexplicably) a role model.


What Mr. Rivera does not see or does not understand is the unnecessary exposure to danger

He says his daughter is in more danger in her backpack when she goes down the street or when we go down the stairs with a baby in her arms or when we cook with him, etc. I do not doubt the experience of Mr. Rivera killing bulls of different sizes and colors, in a multitude of places and scenarios (he states that he has fought more than 1500 runs and I do not deny it), he also states that the calf is perfectly predictable and I, From my ignorance of the calf world beyond the grilled t-bone steak or a veal to the gardener I ask: No "professional" bullfighter has suffered any fuck, blow or scare, call it what they want, when fighting a heifer? None? Never?

Mr. Rivera, you inevitably confuse exposure to a danger, such as going down stairs or walking down the street with your baby, that accidents can happen and that unfortunately happen, but they are simply that, something inevitable, things that happen. If you stumble or the girl becomes unbalanced, Has no one had his son unbalanced when he was in his arms and scared? As I said, if it trips and falls to the ground we would be in the same case as if it happened on the street, the difference is that passersby will probably stop to help and an injured animal will probably do what its nature dictates that most likely will not be Help him get up off the ground.

The eternal controversy between art, torture and popular festivals

I also know that this is going to be something that Mr. Rivera will not understand either, but what for you is art, a sketch in a notebook, a family tradition, for others it is to teach your child to torture an animal.

Don't worry about that point, well there the prosecutor is not going to touch him either because the funny thing about this country is that I cannot enter with a minor, not even a newborn, in a sexshop or in a room of recreational machines but if I can take it to see how they throw a goat from a bell tower, they nail him a few banderillas to a bull or they set fire to their antlers, that seems to be much less dangerous for the baby than the one whose father has three cherries in line.

Hopefully one day there is some common sense in the art world and let's review the concept we have as such.

Video: Monty Python-The Black Knight (July 2024).