Sugary drinks increase the risk of childhood obesity even with a balanced diet

Although a child enjoys a healthy and balanced diet, the fact drinking sugary drinks such as soda can increase your risk of obesity because of a mutation in the genes. This explanation is scientifically proven by a researcher from the University of Navarra, in whose work she identifies the PPARG2 and ADRB3 genes as responsible for the increase in the risk of obesity.

The work carried out by the researcher has been very exhaustive and various aspects have been contemplated in addition to the genetic, controls on lifestyle and nutritional habits, blood tests, etc., performed on 370 children divided into two groups, obese and thin . The new genetic marker of obesity adds to the other risks already known to suffer from overweight and obesity such as genetic inheritance, inadequate and excessively caloric diets, sedentary lifestyle, etc. In Babies and more we have talked about the importance of genomic medicine, which also contemplates the possibility of diets adjusted to the genetics of the individual, the so-called nutrigenomic. Knowing in depth the human genes will help reduce many of the health problems that sometimes arise from the very conception of the baby.

So far another step has been taken and the researcher Carmen Ochoa has helped clarify another reason why overweight and obesity can be labeled as a global epidemic. Now it is necessary to delve a little more, since the specialist has also discovered that depending on the combinations and variations of these genes, the results are disparate and can produce opposite effects to what would be expected, such as dieting, gymnastics and fattening despite it.

Video: Fight Back Against Food Marketing: Sugary Drinks (July 2024).