The strange case of the girl who only sees in black and white

Is called Freyah Rose Lyons and he has a disease that prevents him from seeing colors. Doctors believe that it could be due to the flu that her mother took while she was pregnant, although they do not dare to affirm it emphatically.

The girl's disease is a hypoplasia of the optic nerves, something like a lack of development during pregnancy that caused the girl's problem at birth. This condition is quite strange, so much so that it affects only one in 10,000 children.

His mother explains that although it is true that his daughter only sees black and whiteAt least it's better than seeing nothing. In addition, the girl is so skilled that everything she fails to do because of her difficulty with the vision, she manages to do it by putting the maximum in her other senses.

To date they have done enough tests to determine to what extent it can affect you and have observed, among other things, that the girl is more comfortable when she sees black and white images than when she sees them in color. That is, in addition to seeing everything in a range of grays, it seems to see it better when it arrives directly in those colors.

The mother has also commented that she doesn't remember being sick during pregnancy, although she does remember that some relatives were (flu) and that she may have passed the virus without realizing it (it doesn't make much sense, but hey ...).

The girl's disease has no cure, so all they can do is try to take care of her eyesight (they are raising money to make a sensory room for the girl) and stimulate her so that she can lead a life as normal as possible despite See it all in black and white.

The truth is that on days like this, when one reads this news, it is easy to wish that "please, that my baby come healthy ... I only ask for that". About doctors, as usual, when they do not know the reason, because they blame the mother who did not care enough (not everyone does, but some are forced to have an answer for everything). The poor goes so far as to say that the same happened a flu without realizing it.

Video: The Strange Drowning of Natalie Wood (July 2024).