How to get around the city with your baby: tips and tricks

Cities are full of stimuli for babies. The lights, the sounds, the traffic and the comings and goings of people keep them very entertaining, but often the narrow sidewalks, the crowds or the means of public transport can be uncomfortable obstacles and it becomes necessary to sharpen the ingenuity to overcome the inconveniences . Do you already know all the tricks to move better with your baby in the city?

Choose the most appropriate time and zone

If we are going to walk through a busy area, we must take into account the rush hours of the day, those with the highest traffic of people, to avoid having to dodge pedestrians on the sidewalk. During the summer months, it is also important avoid leaving in the central hours of the day when the sun is higher and the heat is suffocating. It is better to walk early in the day or late in the afternoon.

Others tips to keep in mind when moving with a baby through the city they are to avoid the narrow sidewalks, the steps, the long and steep slopes, the crossings with excessive traffic and the crowds of people. Planning your route a bit before leaving you can dodge them.

The parks, shopping centers with suitable mechanisms for wheeled vehicles, large avenues and garden areas are perfect for enjoying a pleasant and quiet walk with your baby.

The essentials to walk with your baby

Going light luggage is essential for Move freely with a baby through the city. But there are certain basic accessories that we cannot forget when leaving home:

  • A changing bag with a pair of diapers and cleaning wipes. A basic article that we must check that we carry before each ride.
  • Water for you, and also for your baby if you are not a baby or already have more than 6 months.
  • A light, versatile, compact and easily foldable means of transport. Our stroller or stroller must be light and compact to move easily with it through the streets of the city. It must also be folded easily and quickly to allow us to store it effortlessly in the trunk of the car, access to means of transport or certain facilities.

Travel by public transport, taxi or car

Baby carriages are one of the key accessories that will accompany our little one for longer and it is very important Knowing how to choose the stroller that best suits our lifestyle.

If you are an urban mom, sooner or later you will be in need of taking a means of public transport. Anticipate in advance all possible types of travel that you will have to make in the city to choose a modular stroller that adapts to all possible situations, allowing you to use a carrycot, stroller or car seat on the same chassis. The systems like the My City Trio of Chicco They serve both for long walks, and for moving by car to anywhere.

For journeys on public transport, a modular cart is also ideal as it involves a light and small stroller that you can easily fold and load and enter effortlessly, for example, on the bus.

If you go to travel by bus with your baby Please note that, unfortunately, in Spain there is still no exclusive legal regulation for the travel of children under 5 years on buses and there is no safety device such as specialized transport chairs or specific belts for children. One possibility is to secure the baby carriage to specific wheelchair restraint systems if they are free and nobody is using them.

In urban buses, cars and child seats are admitted as long as they are properly secured, the stroller brake is applied, and we place it on the central platform of the vehicle, in the opposite position with respect to the direction of bus travel. The maximum number of seats and cars allowed is usually two per bus, if it is already covered you should fold the cart and hold your baby in your arms. Ask a passenger to give you your seat if you need it.

By subway you can travel without problems with your baby carriage provided that it is compact and lightweight, since escalators, doors and access bars can be challenging. Find the accessible stops on the metro map of your city (such as Madrid or Barcelona), maybe you should walk a little more and get on or off the subway at the next station.

At the time of take a taxi with a babyIn Spain, the obligation to use restraint devices for children whose height is less than 135 centimeters is exempted, provided they occupy a back seat and only when they circulate in urban areas. You just have to make sure that the stroller takes up little enclosed space and has a simple and practical folding system.

He Chicco MyCity carrycot count with one Clik Clak device to hook and unhook the chair quickly and easily and is approved to transport the baby in the car, so you can let your baby continue to sleep peacefully while the taxi safely transfers him.

On other occasions, you may need to make short trips by car with your baby to move from one side of the city to the other. For these cases, you will also need an approved Group 0+ baby car seat for travel in the children's car from birth to 13 kg in weight. The Fast Auto-Fix chair from the My City Trio of Chicco has a 3-point retention system that ensures perfect child support and it includes a practical removable reducer to favor a correct posture of neck and back in the first months of life.

Also make sure that your baby seat adapts to the dimensions of your trunk and you can fold and unfold it easily and without help. Calculate, in addition, the available space that you must leave in the trunk when you load the shopping bags in it. The MyCity stroller It is very agile and manageable without sacrificing the breadth of space for the baby's seat.

In Chicco Moments

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Photos | iStock / ChristinLola / encrier

Video: Basics for Formula Feeding Babies. CloudMom (July 2024).