What are the symptoms of anxiety in children?

We tend to believe that anxiety is only an adult thing, but there are many reasons why a child may feel anxiety. Separating from their parents, a bullying situation, divorce from parents, a house change ... or any stressful situation can trigger an anxiety disorder in children. But, What are the signs of anxiety in children?

Problems sleeping or appetite disturbances are some of the most common consequences, although there are others of a very diverse nature to which we must be attentive.

Remember that anxiety is a physiological response of adaptation to the environment in which various defense mechanisms come into play to face a situation that is perceived as threatening or with increased demand. The main symptoms of anxiety in children They are:

In Babies and more Anxiety, depression and other psychological problems in childhood: when children go to therapy
  • Sleeping problems
  • Changes in appetite (eat little or profusely ...)
  • Disproportionate fears, phobias: that parents do not return home, to die, to go to school
  • Distressed crying, especially among the little ones
  • Headaches, muscle or abdominal
  • Motor restlessness
  • Setbacks in its development, such as peeing again in bed when it had stopped, for example.
  • Irritability
  • Difficult to focus
  • Anguish
  • Selective mutism

Parents must be alert to any of these symptoms, because combined with change situations can be signs of stress, and we must ensure that the child's health does not suffer, minimizing the consequences as much as possible.

Fortunately, stress situations are almost always temporary, associated with a high school load (or extracurricular), to have to undergo a medical review, vaccinations, a trip ... But if they are situations that lengthen in time their consequences can be more serious.

We should not minimize the consequences of anxiety, since, among other issues, it has been related to mental disorders in adulthood or to an increase in asthma attacks.

In Babies and more, do you think your child suffers stress? We tell you what symptoms you should consider

Possible causes of anxiety in children

Anxiety is one of the symptoms of a stressful situation. As we mentioned before, some of the most frequent reasons for childhood stress they are the arrival of a new member in the family, the separation of the parents, the change of house or school, the beginning of the classes ... In the case of children it is preschool age, the anguish for the fact of separating from the parents Is very evident.

The possible cases of bullying at school, the concern about the economic situation of the home (perhaps it is convenient not to show one's own parental anxiety, but not to hide what is happening at home) or family fights ... are other situations that could cause anxiety in our sons.

Also what happens around him, the disturbing news on television, horror movies ... can cause them fear and stress, so you have to be aware of the information that comes to them (or rather the way in which this is transmitted information) and the type of entertainment, which must be appropriate to their age.

The death or illness of a loved one, or their own illness, are other factors that would lead to anxiety.

Although with young children the pressures usually come from external sources (such as family, friends or school), when they grow up they can also arise from the person, from the requirement to oneself (aggravated at the same time by the external demands towards them ).

In cases where the symptoms are perpetuated in the child or affect the health of the child in a significant way, it will be necessary to see a specialist, since there could be other physical factors involved. What should not be done is to disregard these symptoms. You have to talk to the child when he understands us, ask for his feelings, let him express himself.

If the child and his family understand the origin of the problem, the anxiety will be closer to being controlled and overcome. We must avoid becoming chronic or that derives in more complicated processes, such as childhood depression.

Video: Recognizing and Treating Problematic Fear and Anxiety in Children. #UCLAMDChat Webinar (July 2024).