And after communions ... are we going through graduations?

After the “We are losing our grip on communions”, the judge of minors of Granada Emilio Calatayud affirms in his blog that “we are leaving the pot with the graduations”.

And it is that more and more schools and nursery schools are added to the fashion of graduations with each cycle change, with mortarboards, speeches and party included. Is so much paraphernalia really necessary?

Diplomas and mortarboards for babies

Two years ago I attended my oldest son's graduation party. He had not graduated in a university degree. He hadn't even finished the Bachelor. It was the graduation that ended his Infant stage giving way to the Primary cycle.

I will not deny that I was moved to tears (what a mother would not do with such tearful speeches and photographic review of her entire Infant stage!), But I must also say that at the end of the ceremony I wondered if I really so much staging was necessary in the case of such young children.

Days later, a friend told me that her daughter's graduation had been similar to mine, with the difference that her little girl was in a nursery school and had not yet turned three.

Personalized diplomas with the number of the promotion the child has taken; long speeches by teachers and directors of the center; photo shoots and a staging that nothing has to envy American films.

And while, at the other end of the stage, young children dressed in gowns and mortarboards that outside of what is happening around them, they wait to be called to pick up a diploma that will prove that they have successfully completed another academic stage.

"It is not the first time I talk about this subject, nor will it be the last, but that of graduating up to the children of kindergartens - now nursery education - seems like an exaggeration" - says the judge.

"Are we leaving the pot?"

Obviously, each family will have their own opinion about it. I know partisan mothers of this type of school ceremonies that, in addition, later complete with a private party with family and friends.

Personally I am not in favor of so much staging; first because I see it unnecessary when it comes to young children: Does a two or five year old really enjoy such formal and ceremonial acts?

Judging from what I've been able to see, I don't think so. In the vast majority of cases, children lose their attention at the ceremony. They get bored, distracted and if we talk about babies, even some cry on the stage or are irritable and tired.

But, on the other hand, and as Judge Calatayud declares, Does it make sense to have a party every time the child covers a new academic stage?

Teachers and directors claim that graduation parties allow the student and family to become aware of the academic stage that has ended and reflect on the evolution of what they have learned over the past three years.

For or against, one thing is clear, and that is June is time for graduations and who else or who less will already be immersed in the search for online tutorials on how to make the perfect mortarboard.

  • IStock photos
  • Via Blog of Judge Emilio Calatayud
  • Babies and More Communions turned into mini weddings, have we gone crazy ?, Do we really have to celebrate with parties everything our children do ?, Planning a children's party: when social networks put us very high expectations,

Video: Johnnys graduation speech. The Riveras. Universo (June 2024).