A pumpkin that breastfeeds her baby, the original idea of ​​a mother to normalize breastfeeding in public

You want decorate a pumpkin for Halloween but you don't know how to do it? Are you looking for an original and creative design and run away from the classic pumpkin with scary gesture? Well, maybe this mother's idea will inspire you.

Taylor Tignor decided to create a "pumpkin mom" that was breastfeeding her baby. Its objective was to normalize breastfeeding and make public certain potholes that some mothers go through. Photography has gone viral and has been shared by more than 6,000 people.

In spite of the numerous initiatives that arise to give visibility to breastfeeding, unfortunately we must sometimes echo regrettable situations that make it difficult to breastfeed in a public space.

Therefore, a mother on Facebook wanted to call the attention of all her followers by taking advantage of these dates to combine Halloween traditions with breastfeeding. How? Decorating a pumpkin in the purest maternal style.

But in addition, he also wanted to give visibility to a problem that sometimes happens to nursing mothers: the baby's rejection of breastfeeding from one of the breasts. Therefore, he has created an original "pumpkin mom" giving tit to your baby while the other breast is extracted milk with a breast pump (although this time, what is extracted are pumpkin seeds).

The photograph was shared on the Breastfeeding Mama Talk Facebook page last Sunday, and since then it has managed to viralize itself by being shared by more than 6,000 people and commented on by 2,000 users who have been reflected in this anecdotal scene.

"This is my pumpkin. He is happy to give his baby the seed nutrients. I am passionate about breastfeeding. I just wanted to inspire other moms to be creative for Halloween" - said the message of this mother.

Some of the comments obtained by this photo thanked this mother for having recreated in a fun and original way the reality of breastfeeding, and the importance of making it public to normalize it:

"This is my life right now. My baby is 4 days old and rejects my left tit" - commented a user on Facebook

"I take the milk from my chest and give it the right. I've been going crazy all day but this has seemed very funny. I love it. It made me feel much better" - said another mother

"This pumpkin should be at the door of the house of a mother who breastfeeds to raise awareness of those who do not know this phenomenon" - said another mother

This pumpkin is a fun and very own version for these dates, to make visible the effort of many breastfeeding women and the desire of everyone to feel free from judgments when they need or want to breastfeed in public. What do you think of the idea? Would you decorate your pumpkin in this maternal way?

  • Via PopSugar

  • In Babies and More They place in Canada cardboard figures of mothers breastfeeding to normalize breastfeeding, and you, what views do you prefer to eat? A great defense to breastfeeding in public

Video: Breastfeeding & Multi-tasking (July 2024).